Night Diving and Overfishing in Hong Kong: A Controversial Catch – Find Out What Happened!

2024-01-12 00:30:02

In Hong Kong, many people actually go to the sea or fish on the beach to kill time in their free time. Recently, some Hong Kong people went out to sea for night diving and caught a large number of catches, and even shared their “achievements” on social media. However, some netizens questioned The victim didn’t even spare the lobsters, and it was suspected of overfishing. However, the victim ignored the negative comments from netizens. Read below to learn the ins and outs of the incident!

Hong Kong residents caught a lot of fish during night diving in Tai Po↓↓

Recently, a Hong Kong citizen posted on a social platform “day dive night dive“The group shared his night diving fishing record. From the photos, it can be seen that the victim’s record is very impressive. He caught more than 10 large and small lobsters and more than ten different types of fish, including parrot fish, green fish, and three-tailed fish. wait. The victim claimed that he was fishing in the sea area opposite Tai Po Science Park that day. In the picture, the victim was seen wearing a full wetsuit with two incubators placed behind him. In addition, the victim also shared a large number of fishing photos on his personal social platform, and each harvest was They are all quite abundant and appear to be very experienced fishermen.

Netizens commented more than liked: I caught even tiny lobsters!

As soon as the post came out, it attracted heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens gave negative comments, thinking that the victim had overcaught, especially the small lobsters that should be returned to the sea. “You are eating too much, it is difficult to catch such a small lobster”, “Catch all the small lobsters? How miserable?” Tragic, there are fewer and fewer lobster offspring.” “The lobsters are more likely to catch and bury the ecological disaster than you.” Some netizens think that the victim should catch one or two to eat and then stop. “Learn from foreigners and catch one or two to eat.” Just let the rest go, there will be no sunshine every day and it will depend on people or fishing boats or pollution.” However, the negative comment has not received a reply from the victim. At the same time, there are also many netizens who support the victim, thinking that the victim is very powerful and has extraordinary fishing ability.

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#Hong #Kong #residents #caught #huge #catch #lobsters #parrot #fish #green #fish #night #dive #Tai #Netizens #commented #praised #caught #small #lobsters

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