Nigeria approves commercial release of genetically modified maize varieties

2024-01-30 08:52:19

Nigeria approves commercial release of genetically modified maize varieties

Alex Abutu, Alliance for Science*

The Federal Government of Nigeria has approved the commercial release of insect-resistant and drought-tolerant transgenic maize varieties, known as TELA maize.

The approval was granted by the National Committee on Naming, Registration and Release of Plant Varieties, Livestock/Fish Breeds (NCNRRCVLF), headed by Prof. Olusoji Olufajo, during its 33rd meeting at the National Center of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), in Ibadan, on January 11, 2024.

The four varieties approved by the NVRC are SAMMAZ 72T, SAMMAZ 73T, SAMMAZ 74T and SAMMAZ 75T.

New corn varieties are drought tolerant and stem borer resistant [pyrale] and fall armyworms, which translates into an advantage in terms of yield, which can reach 10 tonnes per hectare within the framework of good agronomic practices. The national average for similar hybrids is six tonnes per hectare.

“Very proud of our scientists”

Stalk borers are reducing maize production in several African countries. At the same time, fall armyworms can destroy up to 20 million tonnes of maize in Africa each year, an amount that would be enough to feed 100 million people.

The release and registration of the four varieties follows the authorization for environmental release granted in October 2021 by the National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA).

The development of the improved varieties was led by the Institute of Agricultural Research (ARI) Samaru, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, through the TELA Maize Public-Private Partnership coordinated by the AATF. The TELA Maize Project is implemented in South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Nigeria.

Professor Ado Yusuf, Executive Director of IAR, expressed satisfaction with the introduction of the four new maize varieties: “IAR is very proud of its scientists who are tackling the challenges of maize productivity in the country and beyond. These varieties have been extensively researched and developed using biotechnology tools over several years of continuous testing and revalidation. »

Dr. Canisius Kanangire, Executive Director of AATF, said: “The launch of TELA maize in Nigeria will contribute to food and nutrition security in line with the Federal Government’s agricultural transformation agenda. The AATF reaffirms its unwavering commitment to addressing the challenges facing farmers across the continent.

Reduce pesticide use

Professor Garba Sharubutu, Executive Secretary of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), said the approval of TELA maize in Nigeria is a crucial milestone that confirms the potential of biotechnology to ensure food and nutrition security and improve the livelihoods of agricultural households in Africa.

Professor Mustapha Abdullahi, Director General of the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), welcomed the authorization, saying that with the arrival of TELA maize, farmers will reduce the use of pesticides to the strict minimum. on corn, which benefits humans, livestock and the environment.

Dr Sylvester Oikeh, director of the TELA Maize Project, welcomed Nigeria’s decision, calling on other African countries to act in favor of farmers. “I am encouraged by this decision by the Federal Government of Nigeria, which reflects its commitment to meeting the needs of farmers. I commend the scientists for their hard work and dedication in bringing the product closer to the farmers. I hope other countries will take similar decisions for the sake of farmers,” Mr Oikeh said.

Other partners in the TELA Maize project are the national agricultural research institutes of Kenya, Mozambique, Ethiopia and South Africa, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and Bayer, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


* Alex Abutu is a science journalist at the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), where he leads communications and advocacy strategies in West and Central Africa.

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