Nicole Neumann vs. Mother Claudia: A Deep Dive into Their Ongoing Feud

2024-04-20 02:55:00

Nicole Neumann and her mother Claudia are still at odds

Nicole Neumann and his mother Claudia Neumann They reopened old wounds by confronting each other in the media in recent weeks. The model stirred up the past and accused her mother of keeping part of the money she earned at the beginning of her career., When I was 12 years old. Given this, the woman, who is based in Tenerife, Spain, contacted Show Partners (El Trece) to respond to his daughter and called her “unappreciated”. “How am I going to steal his salary? I did everything for that girl to have the career she has.“said Claudia in the program hosted by Adrián Pallares and Rodrigo Lussich.

Nicole criticized her once more on television, although without mentioning her directly. “All those who want to continue hanging, as Moria says, on my lolas and now my belly, which seems quite pathetic to me, there they are,” she said in dialogue with LAM. It’s a monster that, obviously, I will be guilty of having created and well… I’ll have to screw myself. “It’s what I had to do,” Claudia replied harshly in a message that she sent to the production of Intrusos (América) and expressed the disgust that this whole situation generates in her. At the same time, she apologized to the producer for wanting to cut off communication abruptly and not continue talking regarding the issue. “I can’t listen to anything anymore, because otherwise I can’t work. I can’t be injecting myself, because I’m having a deadly allergy attack. And I need the job, I really do. And that’s it, for the moment I can’t do anything anymore, I can’t do anything,” Claudia closed, very upset.

Thus, Neumann once once more attacked Claudia in the last few hours through a forceful phrase that he published on his Instagram stories. “Behind a woman with excess masculine energy hides a girl who had to learn to take care of herself from a very young age.”said the publication of an account that Nicole follows and that she decided to share because, perhaps, it spoke for her.

Nicole Neumann’s strong message once morest her mother (Instagram)

After strong statements from her mother, who is based in Tenerife, Spain, in which she considered her a “monster,” the model chose to express herself in a veiled way. Instead of speaking directly to her, he posted on his Instagram stories a series of reflections that soon became associated with the media dispute that they have been having for days and that dates back to Nicole’s beginnings in modeling, when she was just 12 years old. .

It was through his Instagram stories where he has more than two million followers where he published the following phrases. “I hope you can live in peace being ‘the bad guy’ in that movie,” says the first and then explains why: “Sometimes being ‘the bad one’ means having protected yourself following a long time trying to ignore the damage,” Nicole states.

Nicole Neumann’s mother shot her daughter

“Sometimes being ‘the bad one’ means having stopped pleasing someone who has never taken care of you,” continues the model, who argues that many times history is not as it seems. “It means the inability of others to take responsibility for their part, It says more regarding who tells you they are than regarding you. Because sometimes what Juan says regarding Pedro says more regarding Juan than regarding Pedro,” concludes the message that the host published, without mentioning the recipient with a first or last name, but which seem to fit into this context that she has to live.

Many users even analyzed the publication and began to assign it a recipient. Some believed that it may be Fabian Cubero due to the publicly known conflicts they have in Justice and others, on the contrary, think regarding Neumann talking to his mother. The truth is that, until now, the model has not directly stated who she was referring to in this series of messages.

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