Nicole Aunapu Mann, first Native American woman to join the ISS

Colonel in the Marine Corps, she has logged more than 2,500 flight hours on 25 different types of aircraft as a fighter pilot, including 47 combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2015, at the end of her two-year training as an astronaut candidate, she held various positions within the American Space Agency, notably as a security and training officer.

In 2020, NASA put his name on its “short list” of future candidates for the first manned flight to the Moon. For this remake of the 1960s, NASA intends to promote a woman. With such a CV, why not her? According to the program established by the agency, the Artemis 3 mission, which will bring a mixed crew of two astronauts to the Moon for a stay lasting six and a half days, must leave Earth in 2025, if all goes well.



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