Nicolás Villalón and Benjamín Torrealba achieved their first title in professional tennis

A special moment in a tennis player’s career is winning their first professional title, whether in singles or doubles.

This is what Chileans experienced on Saturday Nicolas Villalon (1281 ATP) y Benjamin Torrealba (2587 ATP) when crowned as the doubles champions in it M15 from AsuncionParaguay, a tournament that is part of the ITF Tennis World Tour.

The national duo did not arrive as one of the seeded players to the Paraguayan tournament. However, they had a solid week to the point of leaving behind the second favorites of the draw: the Argentines Thiago Cigarran (604 ATP) and Lautaro Falabella (806 ATP).

On the final day of the tournament in Asunción, the Chileans had to win two games to be able to win their first professional title.

First, in the semi-finals, they faced Brazilians Joao Victor Loureiro (1051 ATP) and Gilbert Klier (694 ATP), whom they beat 6-4 and 6-1.

After a break, the national duo faced the final against the local pair formed by Hernando Escurra (1027 ATP) and Martín Vergara (no ranking).

The Paraguayans also had a great week by reaching the final after having entered with a wild card from the organization, leaving behind the first favorites of the draw, the Argentines Mateo del Pino (384 ATP) and Juan Manuel de La Serna (437 ATP).

After losing the first set 3-6, the Chilean duo recovered in the second set, breaking at the right moment to win it 6-4.

Villalón and Torrealba were far superior in the super tie breakin which they won by a clear 10-3, a result that allowed them to lift the champions’ cup of the Paraguayan tournament.

This way, A new duo appears on the radar of national tennisIt is hoped that both will have the necessary financial support to be able to reach higher level tournaments, have a better ATP ranking and develop their professional careers in the best way.

Written by Daniel Arellano
Photo: Instagram Benjamin Torrealba



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