Nicolás Maduro predicts “big changes” in an Argentina that “became stubborn” by Javier Milei

Nicolás Maduro predicts “big changes” in an Argentina that “became stubborn” by Javier Milei

“I am not wrong if I say today (…) (that) great events and great changes are coming to Argentina because those people are stubborn about Milei,” said Maduro / Photo: EFE

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday predicted “great events” and “great changes” in Argentina, whose people – he said – “have become stubborn” towards their leader, Javier Milei, whom the Chavista leader accused of having “destroyed” the southern country.

“I am not mistaken if I say today (…) (that) great events and great changes are coming to Argentina because those people have become obstinate about Milei,” said Maduro in an activity broadcast by the state channel VTV.

The head of state reiterated that his Argentine counterpart “destroyed” that Latin American country, where “it had never happened, in 200 years of republic,” what today “Milei is doing to society, politics, the economy and social rights,” without giving further explanations.

And Venezuela, he added, “was saved from fascism” with its victory in the presidential elections on July 28, for a third consecutive six-year term in power, announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) based on results that, 24 days after the elections, have not yet been published in a disaggregated form, as established by internal regulations.

Meanwhile, the main opposition coalition – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – which describes the official result as fraudulent, insists on the victory of its standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia, whom the Argentine government recognizes as the “undisputed winner” of the presidential election.

The statements made by Argentine authorities and those of other nations regarding these elections have been classified by the Venezuelan Executive as “interventionist,” which is why the Maduro Administration recently expelled the diplomatic corps of this southern country and six others in the Latin American region.

Caracas / EFE

#Nicolás #Maduro #predicts #big #Argentina #stubborn #Javier #Milei
2024-08-23 21:56:17



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