Nicola Gratteri, tests for magistrates? “Let’s do it to politicians, even for alcohol and drugs” –

The green light from the Council of Ministers to the provision that introduces psycho-aptitude tests for the judiciary starting from 2026 has provoked the self-defense of the category. The National Association of Magistrates protested, as did the prosecutor of Naples, Nicola Gratteri. During a press conference on Camorra events, the magistrate commented: “If we want to carry out tests for all top sectors, we agree. But, at this point, let’s also carry out tests for politicians, for those who have the management of public affairs. Not only that. We also do alcohol tests and narcotics tests. Because the reasoning could be altered. Like the balloon test for those stopped on the road”, is Gratteri’s reasoning which also sounds like a provocation.

And the harassing judge?, Zurlo-Santalucia sparks on the psycho-tests

The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, explained the reasons for the measure at a press conference yesterday. “The psycho-aptitude exam is required for practically all the most important functions in the country, doctors, pilots, law enforcement. This is a question that I would like to ask, among those who argue, to my former colleagues. The prosecutor is head of the judicial police, subjected to psycho-aptitude tests. If we test those who obey, is it possible not to do so with those in charge of the judicial police?”, states the minister. Who, on the other hand, revealed: “I underwent the psychological tests in Minnesota, which is what we would like to introduce here. There is nothing wrong if a person tries to understand what he is like and maybe he can try to correct yourself, these are people who have other people’s lives in their hands, like doctors.”

#Nicola #Gratteri #tests #magistrates #Lets #politicians #alcohol #drugs #Tempo
2024-03-29 10:46:16

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