Nice’s largest pharmacy opens in the city center: thoughts of the pharmacists’ union

2024-07-26 07:30:00

XXL shopping centre pharmacy or community pharmacy? At the Union of Pharmacists of the Alpes-Maritimes we accept the coexistence of both models. Depending on the service they provide to our customers.

Union Co-President Raphaël Gigliotti’s opinion: “Pharmacists at large pharmacies located in shopping centres who have a high volume of pharmacy work and rely on the pharmacist side to secure deposits, they sell very few medications, which is often where they make their money.”

More than 75% of turnover comes from pharmaceuticals

“Small” pharmacists also play the pharmacy card “In traditional pharmacies, The industry spokesperson continued, We offer the same products as the largest supermarkets, and at the same prices. On the other hand, if you are looking for a very specific product and the pharmacist has to order it, then yes; we don’t have the same quantities or the same discounts”.

How strong is the neighborhood pharmacist? “In the health sector, more than 75% of turnover comes from medicines, and the most important thing is the emphasis on prescriptions. Until today, the profits from medicines have been getting lower and lower, killing some small pharmacists, so some people have come together.”

If the problem is limited to a city like Nice, then beyond that it becomes worrisome: “Villages like Tende no longer have access to health care because the economic model of medicine no longer allows for the opening of pharmacies, and that’s where the real danger lies.”

Personalized follow-up in the event of serious illness

Finally, for the Maralpin Union, whether in small pharmacies or health and beauty centers, “A good pharmacist is a good counselor”.

However, this ensures consistent loyalty for the modestly sized pharmacy, as many patients/customers like Josette, who lives in California, confirm: “If I had cancer one day, I couldn’t see myself getting treated at a big box pharmacy. I would need follow-up care from the same professionals, but in a big facility, it turns out to be a lot, and we don’t always see the same faces.”

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