Nice weather throughout the country – up to 30 degrees in several places

Nice weather throughout the country – up to 30 degrees in several places

– There is a lot of sun and heat, and over 25 degrees in several places already, says meteorologist on duty Charalampos Sarchosidis to NTB.

On Saturday morning it will be over 20 degrees throughout the country, he can say.

– It is slightly more cloudy on the coast of Northern Norway and some followingnoon showers in the interior. But we are talking regarding small areas, he says.

Hottest in Etne

At 1pm on Saturday followingnoon, the top list of temperatures looked like this:

1. Etne, Vestland: 28.4 degrees

2. Ålesund, Møre and Romsdal: 27.3 degrees

3. Karasjok, Finnmark: 27.2 degrees

4. Bulken, Vestland: 27.0 degrees

5. Meråker, Trøndelag: 27.0 degrees

6. Nyrud, Finnmark: 27.0 degrees

7. Nesbyen, Buskerud: 26.8 degrees

8. Ørsta-Volda Airport, Møre and Romsdal: 26.8

9. Hitra, Trøndelag: 26.8 degrees

10. Åfjord, Trøndelag: 26.5 degrees

– It’s funny that it’s so spread out. I will not be surprised if some of these places reach 30 degrees already today, says the meteorologist.

Rain on the way

On Sunday, it will be over 30 degrees in several places.

– This applies especially from Møre and Romsdal and northwards. And maybe a few places in Western Norway. There will be a lot of nice weather tomorrow, says Sarchosidis.

In Eastern Norway, it may be slightly more cloudy on Sunday, and perhaps a couple of rain showers.

– But it will still be nice and warm tomorrow too. I would probably have a bath even if there are some clouds, he says.

Beyond the followingnoon on Sunday, the idyll may be broken in some places. Then a precipitation front will come towards the coast of Norway, which will eventually sweep over the whole country.

– Western Norway will be affected first and may get rain already in the followingnoon on Sunday. It then moves eastward. Agder also gets rain during the evening. In that connection, there may be thunder on the southern coast on Sunday evening and night to Monday, says the meteorologist.

Drips all over the country

Eventually the front moves northeast.

During Monday, it is likely that Eastern Norway, Møre og Romsdal and Trøndelag will also get rain, while the weather will improve in Western Norway and Southern Norway following the front has passed.

– It is like a small strip of precipitation that moves across the country, says Sarchosidis.

Nor does Northern Norway escape.

– On Tuesday, the precipitation front will make its way to Nordland and eventually it will reach Troms, he says.

The whole country will get its share of the rainfall. The difference is that southern Norway will be left with more unstable weather followingwards.

– In Northern Norway, I would rather say that this is the exception to the fine weather. There, the summer weather will continue with high temperatures, and so this round of rain gives a small break from the fine weather, he says.

The meteorologist reminds that there is a risk of forest fires in northern Norway as a result of prolonged dry weather.

#Nice #weather #country #degrees #places
2024-07-21 12:49:47



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