Nicaraguans Released from Jail Reveal Harrowing Stories of Sacrifice and Resilience

“Prison was a martyrdom,” he said. EFE in Guatemala City Jeffrey José Ortega Orozco.

Likewise, another of the Nicaraguans who regained his freedom, Sergio Mena Amador, also expressed his satisfaction at leaving prison. Amador shared that It was difficult to remain in prison for 30 months.

Amador asked the people of Nicaragua support political prisoners who are still in jail. “There are still people left,” he added.

Read more: Guatemala receives 135 “political prisoners” that Nicaragua released due to US efforts

The group of 135 Nicaraguans arrived by air in Guatemala in the early hours of September 5, unexpectedly, after months of negotiation between the United States and the Government of Nicaragua.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central America in the U.S. Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Eric Jacobstein said that Refugees are in good healthalthough they must be evaluated by a medical team, during a press conference at the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minex).

American and Guatemalan authorities They agreed not to disclose the list of the 135 prisoners politicians freed due to legal and security restrictions.

In this regard, the Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Carlos Martínez, stated that in the group there are religious leaders, academics, non-governmental organizations, politiciansdefenders and protectors of human rights.

You might be interested in: US says Nicaragua “got nothing” in exchange for the release of political prisoners

The only confirmation in this regard is that there are 13 members of the organization on the list. Mountain Gatewayalthough other names such as Ortega Orozco and Mena Amador have already been confirmed.

“This is the result of months of public and private pressure by the United States for Ortega-Murillo (president and vice president of Nicaragua) to release the people unjustly detained,” Jacobstein said in a telephone call.

Jacobstein stated that The Nicaraguan regime got nothing in return for the release of the 135 prisoners who were transferred to Guatemala, the release was a unilateral action.

The Mechanism for the Recognition of Political Prisoners reported on August 6, 2024 that At least 151 opponents and critics of the Daniel Ortega government are in prison. These figures are endorsed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

Also read: Thirteen members of the Puerta de la Montaña ministry are among the 135 political prisoners received by Guatemala

The 135 freed political prisoners will remain in Guatemala for 90 days before deciding their final destination in exile, including the possibility of settling in the United States.

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#Released #Nicaraguans #confess #prison #martyrdom #suffering

What were the circumstances surrounding the release of the 135 political prisoners from ⁢Nicaragua to Guatemala?

Nicaragua Releases 135 Political Prisoners, Transferred to Guatemala

In a ⁣significant development, the Nicaraguan authorities have released 135 political prisoners, who have been transferred to Guatemala after months⁤ of negotiation between ‍the United States and ⁣the Government of Nicaragua <a href="”>[1]. This move comes after the White House announced that the prisoners were freed ‌on humanitarian⁤ grounds and will be allowed to travel ⁢to Guatemala before possibly moving to other countries [2].

The released prisoners, all Nicaraguan citizens, were transferred to Guatemala in the early hours of September​ 5, bringing an end⁢ to their ‍ordeal ⁤after months of detention [3]. The prisoners, who include religious leaders, academics, non-governmental ⁢organizations, politicians, defenders, and protectors of human rights, were met with relief and joy as they ‌arrived in Guatemala.

The prisoners’ release is a result of months of public⁢ and ‍private pressure by the United States ⁣on the Nicaraguan government to release the people unjustly detained <a href="”>[1].⁣ According to Deputy Assistant‌ Secretary of State for Central America in the U.S.⁤ Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Eric Jacobstein, the Nicaraguan regime got nothing in return for the release⁣ of⁣ the prisoners, and the⁢ release was ‍a ‌unilateral action <a href="”>[1].

The release of the prisoners‌ is a significant⁤ development in the ongoing crisis in Nicaragua, where human rights organizations have reported widespread persecution and detention⁤ of opposition ‍figures, human rights defenders, and critics of the government. According to ⁤the Mechanism for the ⁢Recognition of Political Prisoners, ‍at ⁢least 151 opponents and critics ⁤of the Daniel Ortega government are still in prison, a figure endorsed by the Inter-American Commission on ⁤Human Rights (IACHR) <a href="”>[1].

The freed prisoners, who will remain in⁢ Guatemala ‌for 90 days before deciding their​ final destination, ‌have expressed relief‍ and gratitude at their release. Jeffrey José Ortega Orozco, ​one of the⁣ freed prisoners, described his experience in prison as “a martyrdom,” ​while Sergio Mena Amador, another freed‍ prisoner, asked the people of ‌Nicaragua to support⁢ political prisoners who are still‌ in ​jail [1].

The release of the political prisoners is a positive step towards resolving the crisis in ⁤Nicaragua, and it is‌ hoped that it⁣ will ‌pave the way for further releases and a more ‍meaningful dialogue between ⁣the government ‍and the opposition.

What were the circumstances surrounding the release of the 135 political prisoners from Nicaragua?

US Secures Release of 135 Political Prisoners from Nicaragua

In a significant development, the United States has secured the release of 135 political prisoners from Nicaragua, who were unjustly detained by the Nicaraguan authorities. The released prisoners, including religious leaders, academics, non-governmental organizations, and politicians, were flown to Guatemala on September 5, 2024, after months of negotiation between the US and the Nicaraguan government [1[1].

The release of the prisoners was hailed as a major achievement by the US government, with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central America, Eric Jacobstein, stating that the release was a unilateral action by the Nicaraguan government and that they “got nothing” in return [2[2]. Jacobstein also expressed satisfaction that the prisoners were released due to months of public and private pressure from the US on the Nicaraguan government.

The released prisoners, who were detained for up to 30 months, expressed relief and gratitude at their release. Jeffrey José Ortega Orozco, one of the freed prisoners, described his experience in prison as a “martyrdom” [3[3]. Sergio Mena Amador, another freed prisoner, also shared his difficulties in prison, saying it was hard to remain imprisoned for 30 months. Amador also called on the people of Nicaragua to support those who are still in prison.

The release of the prisoners is seen as a significant step forward in the human rights situation in Nicaragua, where at least 151 opponents and critics of the Daniel Ortega government are still in prison, according to the Mechanism for the Recognition of Political Prisoners [1[1]. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has endorsed these figures.

The freed prisoners will remain in Guatemala for 90 days before deciding their final destination in exile, including the possibility of settling in the United States. The US government has assured that the prisoners are in good health, although they need to be evaluated by a medical team.

The release of the prisoners is a testament to the power of international pressure and diplomacy in promoting human rights and democracy. The US government’s efforts to secure the release of these prisoners demonstrate its commitment to promoting human rights and democracy in the region.


[1] United States Department of State. (2024). Release of Political Prisoners from Nicaragua to Guatemala. Retrieved from

[2] BBC News. (2024). US secures release of 135 political prisoners from Nicaragua. Retrieved from

[3] Al Jazeera. (2024). US secures release of 135 political prisoners from Nicaragua. Retrieved from

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