Nicaragua blurs reunion between EU and Latin America

2023-07-18 17:38:04

The EU and the countries of Latin America, meeting at the summit, have started a new dialogue. But the debates were parasitized by a showdown around the recognition of Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Eight years following their last meeting, this was to be the summit of diplomatic revival. It was a catalog of divergences. The sixty leaders of the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (Celac) met on Monday and Tuesday in Brussels to discuss major economic and political themes.

“Waiting another eight years to find each other is out of the question.”

Charles Michel

President of the European Council

Linked by history and trade, the two blocs represent one billion citizens and trade of more than 369 billion euros in 2022. Differences in approach to the war in Ukraine have parasitized the reunioneven if the summit had, at least, the merit of restart the dialogue.

“It is out of the question to wait another eight years to find each other,” said the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, following the meeting. The EU and Celac have agreed to meet every two years.

Economic links

Between the EU and Latin America, there are subjects that unite. First of all trade. Eastern Europe the first foreign investor in Celacwith more than 693 billion euros invested in 2021. But China, which has become the second largest investor in the region, is looming as a competitor.


Billions of Euro’s

Europe is the leading foreign investor in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, with 693 billion invested in 2021.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the EU’s intention to invest 45 billion euros in the region under the Global Gatewaythe European rival of the Chinese Silk Roads.

The leaders addressed the issue of the minerals that abound in the soil of Latin America, as le lithium, necessary for the manufacture of electric cars, the EU wanting to reduce its dependence on China in this sector. American countries insisted on including, in addition to extraction, the installation of processing companies on their territory. “It took five centuries, but we managed to talk regarding it,” said Argentinian President Alberto Angel Fernandez.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo on the second day of the EU-Celac summit.

War in Ukraine

“Russia attacked Ukraine. It’s a reality.”

Xavier Bettel

Luxembourg Prime Minister

Then there are the annoying things. The negotiators tried to agree on a common position condemning Russia for the war in Ukraine. But several Latin American countries dependent on Moscow blocked it.

The perception of the Russian invasion in Ukraine diverges on one side and the other of the Atlantic. In Latin America, this war is considered a European affair and is far from the major concerns of the population. Moreover, Russia has maintained close economic and political ties since Soviet times with several countries in the region, despite the collapse of the USSR and communism. Vladimir Putin hastened, as soon as he came to power, todeepen the link with propaganda and subsidies.

Three countries, Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela opposed recognizing the conflict as a war caused by the invasion of Russia. Nicaragua, a close ally of Russia and under EU sanction for human rights violations since 2019, was the most virulent, its blocking focusing all the attention of the summit. “Latin American countries have their own Hungary”quipped a European diplomat.

The Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel didn’t appreciate the lesson. “I’m not here to rewrite history. Russia attacked Ukraine. It’s a reality,” he said.

His Polish counterpart Mateuzs Morawieki was even more explicit. “Here in Europe it’s hard to imagine, but in Latin America Russia is presented as a peaceful country that was attacked by NATO,” he explained.

After intense negotiations, the EU and 32 of the 33 CELAC member countries, excluding Nicaragua, adopted a somewhat watered-down common position referring toa “deep concern” for the war in Ukraine and reaffirming its right to independence.


“Not all European countries had colonies and not all European countries were involved in slavery.”

Leo Varadkar

Irish Prime Minister

Several Latin American countries have tackled the question of the colonies and the slavery practiced, at that time, by Spain and Portugal. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves, the current president of Celac, hoped the statement would include language on “the historical legacy of indigenous genocide and the enslavement of African bodies.” And something towards restorative justice“. I just don’t.

Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves talks to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez during the EU-Celac summit.

The debate did not give rise to any mention of “reparations”, the question going beyond the Twenty-Seven. “Not all European countries had colonies and not all European countries were involved in slavery. It is in our interest to build a new, forward-looking world,” Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said.


As the summit was primarily political in nature, no progress was expected on the trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur, a community of several Latin American countries. This agreement, concluded in 2019, was rejected by France following environmental concerns related to to climate change and the preservation of forests.

“We weren’t expecting any breakthrough, but I’m sure there will be an agreement before the end of the year“, said the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell.

The summary

  • The leaders of the countries of the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean met in summit, Monday and Tuesday in Brussels, to try to come together on several major economic and political themes.
  • Discussions broke down over the war in Ukraine, the final declaration avoiding condemning Russia for the war of invasion. Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela, three countries close to Moscow, have objected to calling Russia an aggressor in this war. Despite intense negotiations, Nicaragua stood up to the endrefusing to join the final declaration on Ukraine.

#Nicaragua #blurs #reunion #Latin #America



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