How smart technology boosts their business: “Overwhelming”
Published: February 21, 2024, 9:40 AM
They scrapped paper contracts completely.
Now the IT company celebrates the technology with digital signatures.
– Why didn’t we do this before? says Henrik Teledahl, finance manager at Haglöf & Nordkvist.
EXTERNAL LINK: Read more regarding digital signing
If you are an IT company, you must lead by example. This is roughly how the IT company Haglöf & Nordkvist in Falun reasoned when, at the beginning of 2023, they switched from using paper contracts to using digital signing via Visma Sign.
– We sell IT services to customers all over Sweden, and nothing bad was said regarding the mail, but when we were doing it and sending paper contracts to the customers, we had no control over the process, says Henrik Teledahl.
He takes a computer package as example. When a salesperson at Haglöf & Nordkvist has received an acceptance from a customer that they want to sign an agreement, the salesperson previously had to print out a contract, go and put it in the letterbox and then sit down and wait. And wait. And wait, having no idea where in the process the agreement was.
– We had no control at all, and when it took a while before the agreement came back, we didn’t know why. Had the envelope not arrived? Had it arrived but ended up with the wrong person? We knew nothing.
This way of working also led to relatively long lead times, as well as extra work for the salesperson who had to do the detective work and find out what had happened when deals did not come back as expected.
– The process was not satisfactory and then we started looking at alternatives. We are also an IT company and must lead by example, so we decided to start testing digital contract signing.
Because Haglöf & Nordkvist already used Visma in another respect, they chose to test their signing solution Visma Sign.
– We received extremely professional treatment, and it also turned out that the solution was very easy for us to use.
And so far the praise is pouring in. The customers are overjoyed because they avoid the paper exercise, at the same time that geographical restrictions have disappeared.
– After Covid, there is a lot of hybrid work and it was not always the customer’s signatory who was in the same place as the buyer, which made the process of paper contracts even more complicated.
Haglöf & Nordkvist’s own employees are also very satisfied with the change.
– Now they have control and are involved because they can constantly see in real time where the agreement is in the process.
In addition, the transition has reduced the company’s lead times enormously, in many cases by several weeks.
– This in turn means that we can have shorter inventory and also get better liquidity because we get the invoices out faster. The employees are overjoyed and the only question we ask ourselves is why we didn’t switch to digital contract management sooner.
EXTERNAL LINK: Read more regarding digital signing
The article is produced by Brand Studio in collaboration with Visma Sign and not an article by Dagens industri