Niagara Region State of Emergency Declared for April 8 Solar Eclipse – Plan Your Visit to Niagara Falls Now!

2024-03-30 09:52:55

Canada’s Niagara region has declared a state of emergency ahead of the total solar eclipse on April 8, which is expected to draw large crowds to areas in and around Niagara Falls. which is a popular place in the region

Niagara Region said in a statement Thursday that regional president Jim Bradley had declared a state of emergency as a precautionary measure.

“Declaring a state of emergency strengthens the tools the region has to protect the health and safety of its citizens and visitors. and to protect our critical infrastructure in every contingency,” a Niagara Region news release said.

Reuters news agency reported that Niagara Falls is located on the border of Canada and the United States. It is in the path of the solar eclipse. As a result, many people are booking hotels and motels in advance to experience the spectacle in one of North America’s natural wonders.

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