NGOs ask the Government that the license of the Hipra vaccine is not exclusive

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Madrid, Feb 22 (EFE) .- Some twenty organizations in the health field demand that the Government impose conditions in the financing contracts for the Hipra vaccine so that the license is not exclusive to this firm and access to it is guaranteed , since the Executive “has invested millions of euros in its development”.

Among the entities that have made this request in a letter sent to the President of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, are Salud por Derecho, Médicos del Mundo, the Association for Fair Access to Medication, the Collegiate Medical Organization, No Gracias, the Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health (FADSP), Doctors without Borders, Amnesty International, Oxfam Intermón, the Coordinator of Organizations for Development (CONGD) and the Right2Cure campaign.

For these organizations, it is essential that the Hipra vaccine and those developed by the CSIC be incorporated into C-TAP, the platform promoted by the WHO to share knowledge and intellectual property of vaccines and other tools against Covid-19 .

In addition, they want there to be more protection for the public investment that is being allocated to the development of vaccines and other health tools against covid-19.

“The financing agreements signed during the pandemic between the Government and institutions or companies, whether public or private, must include conditions that guarantee that the results of the research paid for with that public money have non-exclusive licenses to ensure their access throughout the world. , avoiding the monopolies caused by intellectual property when everything remains in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry”, they state.

They show special concern about the case of Hipra, a Spanish company that develops a vaccine against Covid-19 that has obtained 15 million in public aid for phase IIb/III of clinical trials, according to these organizations, without guaranteeing that at the beginning of its production, it will reach “all the people who need it inside and outside our borders”.

In the letter, the entities give as an example the Corbevax vaccine, developed by the Texas Children’s Hospital and the Baylor College of Medicine, whose license is not exclusive and is available to manufacturers around the world with the capacity to produce it.

The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) authorized at the beginning of February the passage to phase 3, the definitive one, of the Hipra vaccine, a pharmaceutical company that defends that it shows better results compared to the omicron variant in doses of I remember that of the firm Pfizer.

(c) EFE Agency

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