NGO Utopix recorded 46 political femicides at the hands of criminal gangs between 2019 and 2024

The non-governmental organization Utopix published a report that records at least 46 political femicides since January 2019. They occurred at the hands of criminal gangs in popular sectors of Venezuela.

The investigation indicates that these incidents began to occur around 2014. The main victims are women members of communal councils and the Local Supply and Production Committees, using their bodies to “send messages of threat or revenge to other women, the community and the State.”

“This is how another form of femicide occurs. Murder is the consequence of disputes over territorial power, over community political power,” she explains.

Using a graph, the NGO reported that Miranda was the state with the most political femicides by criminal gangs. There were a total of 14 cases in areas such as Valles del Tuy, Barlovento and Sucre municipality.

Aragua and Bolívar follow with 9 cases each; the Capital District with 3; the states of Monagas, Sucre, Zulia and Táchira with 2 cases each; and Carabobo, Portuguesa and Trujillo with one case each.

Most of these cases occurred between 2019 and 2021, according to the non-governmental organization. Most of the victims were between 21 and 50 years old.

“Most political femicides by criminal gangs have been committed with firearms, with a total of 29 cases. Followed by knives, with 12 cases, and 1 case of mechanical asphyxiation, one due to beatings, and 2 cases in which the type of weapon was not reported in the media,” the NGO highlighted.

The characteristics of the victims: 9 mothers who left 20 children and adolescents orphaned; in 10 cases the women belonged to a social organization or political party. It indicates that 17 of the victims were accused of leaking information about the gangs; 2 were indigenous; 2 were state officials; 4 belonged to security forces, and 4 were relatives of members of security forces.

With information from El Nacional

#NGO #Utopix #recorded #political #femicides #hands #criminal #gangs
2024-08-22 14:01:11



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