Ng “Girl” is sick with a strange disease “allergic to gravity” faints 10 times a day

matter of health It is a matter that must be given priority. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 lined up to monkey pox especially the present There are often new and strange diseases that impair daily life a lot, such as women.girlpeople United States This patient is suffering from a strange condition. She was up to 10 times a day and was unable to stand up or walk for more than three minutes, spending 23 hours in bed. The doctor stated that she is sick “Lost Gravity”

Lincy Johnson female girl The 28-year-old said she started having stomach and back pain in October 2015 and it worsened within a few years. She vomited and fainted up to 10 times a day, sitting cross-legged. to prevent her from feeling sick. and might only get up to eat or shower only After many years of wandering in love with healing In February 2022, Johnson was diagnosed with She suffers from postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), an abnormally elevated heart rate. that occurs following sitting or standing, also known as “Lost Gravity”

Linzi said she used to work as an aeronautical diesel mechanic. of the United States Navy and starting to feel uncomfortable for the first time She struggles with chronic pain. But doctors might not find the cause of the disease. And in May 2018 she was discharged from the army. Because of her illness, 6 months later, she began to have severe stomach pains and began to vomit.

“I mightn’t stand up for more than 3 minutes without fainting. And I feel much better if I lie down. I’m in bed all day, up to 23 hours a day. Never thought that at 28 I would need a shower chair. Can’t leave the house anymore There is no cure”

Although she has been hospitalized several times in recent years. which led to her diagnosis But Linzi still said that her condition ‘Anxious’ due to symptomsfainthers is getting worse When she went shopping at the supermarket, she suddenly had to sit down because she felt faint. or while at the gym Of course, she mightn’t drive any more.

until last February She was tested to measure her heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen. and she was officially diagnosed with PoTS or lose to gravity She was glad that she finally realized what these abnormalities were.

Although Linci now uses beta blockers that reduce symptoms.faintJust 3 times a day and it can help relieve nausea. But he mightn’t do much to help himself and had to rely on her husband, James, 30, to take care of them. She said that even now there is no cure. But she appreciates James and what she has now.

“If I lie down I feel good, but as soon as I stand up I will be dizzy and faint. I really need to adjust to this new life and get over it. I use a mobility aid. And that really helps for me,” she added.

Lincy Johnson

According to the Cleveland Clinic, PoTS mainly affects women ages 13 to 50 and regarding 1 to 3 million people in the United States. suffer Causes include viral illness. Serious infections, pregnancy, or injuries such as head injuries can also develop in individuals with a history of mononucleosis or in people with certain autoimmune conditions

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