Neymar’s Yacht Party in Santos: Injury Rehabilitation or High-end Celebration?

2023-12-27 17:05:00

Still injured in the knee, Neymar is taking advantage of his rehabilitation to have a good time. And it is in Santos in Brazil, aboard a luxurious yacht that the Brazilian striker will spend his next few days.

Upon his arrival on the boat, we can see a suffering Neymar, as shown by numerous videos from fans present on site, who paid between 1,000 and 6,000 euros to participate in the evening.

But after the limping footsteps, fans were able to discover a festive Neymar, in front of a concert organized for the occasion inside the boat. Crutch in the air and visibly in the mood for the evening, dance steps are certainly not part of his rehabilitation program… In total, three evenings are planned aboard the yacht, rented for the occasion.

There is no question of a return date for the Brazilian striker yet, but he has already assured that he will not be able to participate in the Copa America with Brazil next summer.

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