Next photovoltaic funding call on Wednesday |

2023-06-12 08:02:00

How big the rush will be is difficult to estimate, said the board of directors of the green electricity processing center OeMAG in the ORF “Morgenjournal”. Because in the first round in March, all private applications were considered, now it will be seen whether the backlog has been worked off.

Of the total funding budget of 600 million euros, 320 million euros are already gone. OeMAG has processed 31,000 small applications (up to 20 MWp) with 108 million euros, said OeMAG board member Gerhard Röthlin on Monday in the radio broadcast. The Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN) processed a further 60,000 applications. In this round, OeMAG only has 45 million euros left to award, KLIEN 50 million euros.

It is “an exciting question” how many funding applications are made in this round, according to Röthlin and board member Horst Brandlmaier, who assumes that “demand should drop a bit”. Brandlmaier recommends that private individuals should not issue applications from the corporate network. Because if too many calls come in from an IP address, it will be blocked.

After the first round in March and the current call to submit applications, two more rounds are planned this year.

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