[News Talk]Mainland youth after jumping over the wall: No longer slaves | Wei Kun | CCP’s brainwashing propaganda | Sitongqiao

[The Epoch Times, August 9, 2024] Hello everyone, welcome to “News Talk”. I am Fuyao.

Today’s focus: Young people are no longer slaves! Four historical truths have shattered previous beliefs and transformed their worldview! Avoid being a dictator, reject the distortion of human nature, resist brainwashing. Wei Kun confronts the truth about prevention and control!

In 2022, Peng Lifa, known online as “Peng Zaizhou”, risked his life to hang a banner on Beijing’s Sitong Bridge stating, “No nucleic acid but food, no blockade but freedom, no lies but dignity, no cultural revolution but reform, no leader but votes, don’t be slaves, become citizens,” along with banners calling for “Remove Xi Jinping.” Peng Lifa was arrested shortly after.

More “lonely warriors” like him are emerging throughout mainland China.

Chai Song projected the slogan “Down with the Communist Party, Down with Xi Jinping” on the walls of Wanda Plaza in Jinan, Shandong Province. Fang Yirong hung a banner on an overpass in Loudi, Hunan province and used a speaker to broadcast slogans like “Freedom, Democracy” against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Even more young people have taken to holding blank papers to silently protest against the totalitarian rule of the CCP.

The CCP’s core leadership may believe that under tyranny, everyone remains silent due to danger. Yet, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. People are spreading alternative views and solutions that bypass the Internet blockade.

This seemingly insignificant power has served as a beacon for many seeking awakening.

[Climb over the wall to see the truth, subvert cognition; the youth reshape their thinking]

Wei Kun: In 2018, while working, I had a client who was knowledgeable about IT. Over a meal, he mentioned something about “climbing over the wall,” explaining that once you do, you can witness significant differences outside. I later sought his guidance, and he shared the method with me. Since then, I have been climbing the wall.

If you (mainland citizens) do not climb over the wall, you cannot grasp the real situation outside; you can only absorb their (CCP) propaganda. As for domestic news, we all know it has always been Wei Guangzheng. They do not permit any alternative voices.

During my childhood and teenage years, my perspective on the outside world was largely shaped by education and state media propaganda.

At that time, I primarily encountered positive propaganda about the Communist Party. For instance, narratives about the “victory in the Anti-Japanese War” and “achievements of reform and opening up.” As a student, I was encouraged to love my country and support the CCP, and I genuinely believed it was the Party that led China to prosperity and strength.

However, when I reached university and entered the workforce, I eventually accessed limited information despite the censorship. I still managed to get my hands on some material, observing occasional alternative perspectives on historical events like the Cultural Revolution and the June Fourth Incident. Direct references would be removed, and it was common for petitioners to face persecution or other issues, leading to the emergence of information online.

Although many of these voices were quickly censored, I began to see a pattern of societal phenomena with skepticism toward the media’s portrayal, prompting me to question official narratives instead of accepting them blindly.

I began to critically examine several significant events, like the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward, and the June Fourth Incident, realizing a stark difference between official narratives and actual historical facts.

This mental journey shifted from simple acceptance to questioning and personal reflection.

After graduating and working for a few years, I learned to bypass the firewall. Initially, this had a profound impact on me, for I realized the vast differences between domestic and foreign media propaganda.

Fuyao: Accessing free information felt like fresh oxygen. Gradually, as Wei Kun began to understand the truth about the CCP, he fostered increasing doubts about his environment.

Wei Kun: Initially, I had doubts because the Communist Party claimed that overseas organizations sought to discredit China maliciously. However, after consuming significant external information—videos, images, and personal testimonies—I found this evidence compelling and authentic.

My interest in real events grew, leading me to devote considerable time to uncovering the truth. During this period, I often stayed awake at night, which resulted in significant skepticism toward historical narratives.

In this transformation, I observed the Communist Party’s greed for political power. Ultimately, throughout historical events, their primary goal was to secure their position and prevent their regime’s collapse, leading them to continually repress dissent and harm the Chinese populace.

[Chinese people can counter-brainwash themselves by recognizing the four historical truths]

Fuyao: Climbing the wall has granted Wei Kun numerous cognitive insights, leading to personal change and an enriched worldview. The genuine historical truth holds its innate power.

After encountering diverse and comprehensive information, Wei Kun reformed his worldview.

Wei Kun: I’ve seen a wealth of real news, revealing the situation in China, which all revolves around the government.

The first truth pertains to Mao Zedong.

[Seeing the truth clearly, subversive cognition 1 – Mao Zedong]

Prior to climbing over the wall, my knowledge of Mao Zedong stemmed mainly from domestic propaganda and education. During that time, I viewed Mao as the great leader of the Chinese revolution, one who led the people to upheave the old society, establish a new China, and liberate millions from suffering. His image symbolized heroism and greatness in my eyes.

After crossing the wall, I grappled with a plethora of divergent historical facts and perspectives.

The Great Leap Forward, for example, precipitated a catastrophic economic collapse, leading to events like the Great Famine, during which tens of millions perished.

Then, from 1966 to 1976, Mao instigated the Cultural Revolution to consolidate his power, resulting in countless deaths for personal political gain.

Next is the matter of the Great Famine.

[Seeing the truth clearly, subversive cognition 2 – The Great Famine]

Before bypassing the wall, my knowledge of the Great Famine from 1959 to 1961 was limited. Common narratives attributed the famine to natural disasters that diminished food production.

At the time, I believed this to be a tragic historical event resulting from nature, but after gaining access to firsthand accounts and historical documentation, I recognized that human policies, not natural disasters, caused the famine.

Historical records indicate that the years 1959 to 1961 were relatively stable meteorologically; the famine stemmed predominantly from misguided policies and extreme measures, like exaggerated production quotas and forced collectivization.

Furthermore, during the famine, the government concealed the truth while continuing to export food to maintain an image of success—this worsened the crisis instead of alleviating it.

I was horrified to learn that this man-made disaster resulted in the loss of tens of millions of lives, surpassing what domestic media had previously reported.

This understanding made it clear to me that the truth behind the Great Famine had long been masked, leading many innocent lives to be lost due to policy failures.

Next, I encountered the June Fourth Incident.

[Seeing the truth clearly, subversive cognition three—June Fourth Movement]

Domestic media portrayed the June Fourth Movement as a riot aimed at destabilizing society. However, after scaling the wall, I realized students were merely attempting to communicate their demands for governmental reform and to oppose corruption—an entirely reasonable request. In response, they faced brutal suppression from the authorities.

Looking back, I saw parallels in current events, where governments employ undemocratic tactics to manage social issues, distorting the truth through media propaganda to manipulate public perception.

Each event is often recast as a “great victory,” with information suppressed and dissent silenced, again reflecting the CCP’s consistent strategies since its inception.

The final cognitive shift I want to discuss pertains to Falun Gong.

[Seeing the truth clearly, subversive cognition four – Falun Gong]

During my youth, when Falun Gong was gaining popularity, I only absorbed information curated by the domestic media, which labeled it a cult and blamed social issues on its practitioners.

Conversely, I later learned that when Falun Gong emerged, its teachings of “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance” positively impacted practitioners’ health. Many officials initially supported the practice, but as participation grew, the government became wary of its influence on societal stability.

Accordingly, the authorities began to crack down on Falun Gong, branding it an enemy of the state. To this day, discussions around Falun Gong remain heavily censored in China.

From my experiences circumventing the firewall, I’ve realized that any information beneficial to literature, morality, and spiritual growth is essential. I resonate deeply with the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance” and believe these values are increasingly lacking in Chinese society.

Recent social phenomena, from questionable cooking practices to rising violence, demonstrate the moral decay within society. Reports of extreme reactions to minor grievances, such as individuals harming others over trivial matters, reflect a troubling disconnect among the populace.

It’s disheartening to envision the moral and spiritual elevation that Falun Gong could have fostered had it not faced suppression.

[The CCP’s brainwashing propaganda and hatred education destroys people’s morals]

Fuyao: Reflecting on his journey, Wei Kun recognizes that the CCP’s brainwashing and hatred-fueled education from an early age have severely harmed individuals, controlling their thoughts and perceptions. This toxicity has shifted the cultural fabric of Chinese etiquette within just a few decades post-CCP’s rise to power.

Wei Kun: For most Chinese citizens, brainwashing is a continuous process, enforced by the state. We were indoctrinated since childhood with ideals of “loving the Party” and “patriotism,” especially as relations with other nations deteriorated. The government extensively used propaganda to instill fear and animosity—a prime example of hate education.

Fundamentally, the government’s control of minds, coupled with its promotion of hatred, plays a crucial role in shaping societal attitudes. Consequently, many individuals’ minds become empty shells, devoid of moral foundations.

Our ancestors emphasized benevolence, righteousness, and morality—but these have been replaced by hollow expressions of “love for the Party,” “patriotism,” and state-sanctioned hatred. In this respect, the education resembles Nazi ideologies.

During the Cultural Revolution, the government relentlessly targeted moral and cultural values, aiming to dismantle traditional ideals and thus significantly diminishing the spiritual aspirations of the Chinese people.

Fuyao: Despite Wei Kun’s attempts to enlighten himself, he remained subject to the CCP’s extreme censorship, particularly during the recent pandemic.

Such harrowing experiences truly unveiled the CCP’s lawlessness and cruelty.

Wei Kun: During the pandemic, I found myself in a situation where I had to endlessly wait in line, have my temperature checked, and repeatedly report my health status via my mobile phone. The experiences I had while confined in my apartment are the most vivid memories I have.

In November 2022, while I was working in Shandong, someone in my apartment contracted COVID-19, causing a lockdown that lasted over a month. During this period, government officials stationed two workers at our door to prevent our exit, while those familiar with the guards easily left.

Desperate for exercise after the prolonged lockdown, I begged to step outside, insisting I would merely go to the empty playground across the street. But they refused—when I asked why others were allowed out and I wasn’t, they offered no answers, only threats about reporting me to higher authorities.

Additionally, during the lockdown, we regularly anticipated announcements about restrictions being lifted. Upon seeing a notice of our apartment’s unblocking, I approached the security guards. Yet they denied me access, even refusing to acknowledge the official announcement. It took two days after the notice for them to finally let us out.

[Wei Kun: The CCP distorts human nature, turning everyone into dictators]

These two incidents illustrate that under an oppressive system, anyone with a modicum of power tends to act dictatorial. They leverage their authority to inconvenience others, affirming their superiority and finding personal satisfaction in their minor privileges—an entirely pathological mindset from top to bottom.

Everyone I know complains about the lockdown, but no one endorses it, as it severely disrupted our lives, with some individuals even facing life-threatening situations.

One friend was sealed in his home while his wife was close to giving birth. Upon arriving at the hospital, their nucleic acid certificate had expired—these tests had a strictly enforced time limit. They desperately sought to get their test done, waiting outside the hospital for hours, though thankfully they were admitted without dire consequences. But I couldn’t help but think of the tragic fate awaiting pregnant women or critically ill patients unable to endure such delays.

Such scenarios are unthinkable in a democratic society, yet they are commonplace in China. I believe that the city lockdown resembles a lockdown of the mind— it’s as if our thoughts are restrained. From the outset of the pandemic, the government enforced strict information censorship, controlling narratives about the epidemic and its handling.

Consequently, we were forced to accept curated reports with limited insight into the real situation, hampering our ability to form independent understanding of the pandemic. This imposition of conformity is itself a form of brainwashing.

[The persistent tyranny has led to a severe economic downturn]

Fuyao: The extremities exercised by the Communist Party, from top to bottom, have contributed to a continued economic decline in mainland China, resulting in widespread store closures. The authorities’ response has simply been to intensify stability maintenance efforts.

During this time, everyone involved was victimized.

Wei Kun: While I was in Shandong during the pandemic, our company was basically the only one in the area remaining operational. I didn’t see much of the situation elsewhere, but I came across reports online indicating similarities in various companies, including Foxconn, which manufactures iPhones for Apple. They implemented extreme containment measures for employees amid the outbreak.

Bizarre accounts emerged of people starving or some even reportedly dying from lack of food. Once the epidemic receded, Apple eventually relocated its primary production chains to India and Vietnam—a significant blow to many companies.

The impact on our company was considerable. We faced a total shutdown in November 2022, lasting nearly two months. As a supplier for Apple headphones, we were unable to fulfill customer orders, creating a ripple effect that ultimately led to mass layoffs in 2023, with me among the victims of this downsizing.

[Two major factors compelled the Chinese people to take to the streets and confront Beijing]

Fuyao: On January 14, 2022, just two days before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party was set to occur, a courageous individual named Peng Lifa (alias “Peng Zaizhou”) made his way to Beijing’s Sitong Bridge to protest. He displayed a sign reading “No Nucleic Acid” alongside other banners demanding food and reform instead of the Cultural Revolution. His actions surprised many both domestically and internationally.

Then on November 24, 2022, a fire engulfed a residential building in Urumqi, Xinjiang, leading to multiple fatalities due to strict governmental lockdowns preventing residents from escaping. This incident sparked long-standing public unrest, prompting students to initiate a “white paper revolution” against the government’s stringent regulations and cry out for reform by saying, “Xi Jinping must step down!”

In the face of domestic and international protests, the CCP ultimately retreated, rolling back its extreme epidemic control measures.

Wei Kun: I believe the “White Paper Revolution” and the Sitong Bridge Incident significantly impacted China’s democratic movement. These events demonstrated that many ordinary citizens, particularly the youth, are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and yearn for change. The “White Paper Movement” symbolized a collective demand for freedom through the act of holding blank sheets of paper.

Peng Lifa’s courageous act on Sitong Bridge—the way he hung a banner and openly voiced his dissatisfaction with the CCP—was heartbreaking to witness. I frequently followed these incidents on Twitter, where they ignited a spark of hope among individuals pursuing democracy and freedom, highlighting an urgent desire for reform.

I genuinely feel that an awakening is underway among the youth. They once remained silent but are now beginning to voice their opinions and engage in social causes, striving for a better environment and rights in the future.

Regarding the reasons contributing to this awakening, I believe two key factors contribute significantly. First is the way of accessing information. Presently, our Internet and social media provide the youth with various perspectives to encounter alternative information.

Despite stringent censorship, many young people have discovered methods to acquire information. An increasing number are adept at circumventing firewalls, fostering independent thoughts. As knowledge about the real situation spreads, individuals begin to awaken their minds.

The second factor is societal pressure—a tremendous burden on contemporary youth regarding work, living conditions, and housing. The soaring unemployment rate in China is troubling. Official media reported figures of over 20% in June, likely underestimating the actual youth unemployment rate.

This alarming rate exacerbates challenges in job hunting, coupled with insufficient salaries when employment is found. Living costs have surged, particularly in major cities, making wealth accumulation nearly impossible for the youth.

Many young people are living paycheck to paycheck, often finding that their income merely covers essential expenses, leaving them with little to no savings. The trend of “lying flat” has gained tremendous traction recently—an evident response to social pressure. Consequently, after absorbing comprehensive information and grappling with overwhelming burdens, these youths begin to ponder the underlying causes of their plight.

A thorough reflection leads them to realize that these challenges stem from their surrounding environment and the overarching system—one that imposes these issues on all. After learning about Peng Lifa, I realized I wanted to add a final note regarding him.

His actions deeply moved me; as someone who has followed China’s democratic progression, I yearn to see the day when democracy flourishes in China. Discovering a figure like Peng Lifa, someone who not only held a sign but also used a loudspeaker to voice his demands, struck a chord in me. I greatly admire individuals who exhibit such courage.

I remain profoundly impressed by his demands—those resonating sentiments continue to linger with me. I feel compelled to reiterate them.

His demands read: no nucleic acid but food, no blockade but freedom, no lies but dignity, no cultural revolution but reform, no leader but votes, and no slaves but citizens. Each word he uttered possesses the potential to ignite our collective yearning for democracy and a genuine sense of freedom, sparking internal flames within us. Thus, every time I encounter these phrases, I find myself deeply touched.

What remains vivid in my memory is that during the “White Paper Movement,” I typically do not utilize domestic social media applications like Douyin. Yet, during the protests, I found myself on Douyin, where I occasionally glimpsed images and messages associated with the movement, marked with extensive redactions to evade censorship.

Nonetheless, my primary source of information remains international. While in China, it is challenging to come across news related to such events, and when it does appear, it quickly vanishes from the platforms. Later discussions with friends revealed their ignorance regarding the “White Paper Movement” and the Sitong Bridge incident, underscoring the narrow distribution of such information within China.

[Sitong Bridge and the Voice of White Paper Revolution and Freedom’s Far-reaching Impact]

Fuyao: Wei Kun believes that both the “White Paper Revolution” and the “Sitong Bridge” incident profoundly impacted the authorities, signaling the people’s awakening.

Wei Kun: The CCP recognized that some dared to utilize the “White Paper Movement” and the Sitong Bridge incident to advocate for freedom and democracy, which undoubtedly instilled fear in them.

Why are they afraid? I vividly recall that soon after the White Paper Revolution unfolded, the country began to fully lift restrictions, clearly signifying that the masses started to gain awareness and engage in critical thought, raising alarm among the leadership.

Fuyao: As Wei Kun traversed the firewall, he discovered more truths and endeavored to participate actively by forwarding authentic information and expressing his opinions.

However, under the CCP’s extensive surveillance, the police eventually found him. Wei Kun was detained for several days, enduring significant hardship. His experiences during that detention solidified his resolve to leave China.

For further insights into Wei Kun’s encounters with law enforcement and his subsequent journey to the United States, we will continue to share in future programs.

Thank you, Wei Kun, and thanks to all of you for tuning in to “News Talk”. Goodbye.

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Young Voices Rise Against Oppression: Historical Truths Reshaping Perspectives in China

Date: August 9, 2024

In recent years, a wave of youth activism has emerged in mainland China, challenging the status quo and advocating for freedom and reform. Fueled by historical truths and the desire for change, these young individuals are confronting the oppressive narrative perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The Power of Expression: Individual Acts of Rebellion

One significant moment was in 2022 when Peng Lifa, also known online as “Peng Zaizhou,” risked his life to hang a banner on Beijing’s Sitong Bridge. The banner expressed profound sentiments: “No nucleic acid but food, no blockade but freedom, no lies but dignity.” Following this act of courage, he was arrested, but his message resonated deeply. Other brave individuals, such as Chai Song and Fang Yirong, echoed similar slogans and engaged in silent protests with blank papers, symbolizing their demands for freedom.

Climbing Over the Wall: A Path to Truth

As more young people gain access to information beyond state-controlled narratives, their perceptions are shifting. For instance, Wei Kun, an active participant in this awakening, shared his journey of learning. His realization started in 2018 when he discovered how to “climb over the wall”—a metaphor for circumventing the Great Firewall of China, allowing him access to unfiltered information. Wei’s insights showcase the stark contrast between the propaganda provided by the CCP and the realities captured in independent reporting.

Four Historical Truths for Self-Awakening

Wei identifies several historical truths that significantly reshaped his understanding of China’s past:

  • The Reality of Mao Zedong: Initially revered as a revolutionary hero, Wei’s research unveiled Mao’s catastrophic policies, such as the Great Leap Forward, which led to widespread famine, and the Cultural Revolution, which resulted in immense societal upheaval.
  • The Great Famine (1959-1961): Contrary to the official narrative blaming natural disaster, Wei learned that this period was primarily a man-made catastrophe driven by flawed policies that prioritized propaganda over human welfare.
  • The June 4th Incident: Instead of viewing the Tiananmen Square protests merely as a riot, Wei recognized them as a unified call for political reform, democracy, and freedom of speech, suppressed brutally by the state.
  • Misconceptions about Falun Gong: Initially categorized as a cult by state media, Wei came to understand that it promotes values like ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance,’ which could help heal deep societal wounds and foster moral integrity.

Impacts of Brainwashing Education

Wei argues that the CCP’s systematic brainwashing has instilled hatred and distorted moral values among the Chinese populace. This education, characterized as “Nazi-style,” emphasizes loyalty to the party over genuine ethical principles.

The Consequences of Authoritarian Control

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the oppressive atmosphere in China. Wei recounted his lockdown experience in Shandong, where he faced extreme authoritarian measures. The stringent controls not only stifled basic freedoms but also highlighted the CCP’s disregard for human life during emergencies. Wei’s experiences have further solidified his views on the necessity for systemic change.

A Wake-Up Call: The “White Paper Revolution”

Events like the tragic Urumqi fire in November 2022 ignited public outrage, culminating in the “White Paper Revolution,” where citizens symbolically protested by holding blank sheets of paper, representing censorship and lack of freedom. This movement has proven to be a turning point, sparking significant discussions about democratic reforms and civil rights in China.

Economic Downturn Amidst Tyranny

Alongside social activism, economic challenges compound the desire for change. Wei noted a stark rise in unemployment, particularly among the youth, fostering feelings of hopelessness and frustration. As companies like Foxconn faced shutdowns and workers experienced starvation during lockdowns, the urgent need for systemic reform became clear.

Emerging Voices Inspire Change

As young individuals share their experiences and articulate their frustrations, the message of change resonates more widely. Through platforms such as Twitter, these voices leverage social media to circumvent censorship, sparking a more profound collective awareness.

The Role of Social Media in Information Access

Despite stringent internet censorship, young people in China utilize various methods to bypass restrictions. This access to diverse perspectives has equipped them with the knowledge to challenge state propaganda effectively.

Reflections on Personal and Collective Growth

Wei’s journey illustrates the importance of individualized learning and how personal experiences can fuel collective understanding. The youth’s awakening is not merely a response to external pressures but a proactive pursuit of truth and reform.


Though facing severe risks and potential repercussions, the courage displayed by individuals like Wei Kun continues to illuminate the pathway for future generations. By embracing historical truths and advocating for change, young people in China are not just challenging the CCP’s narrative; they are embodying the hope for a more equitable and democratic future.

Join the Movement

For those wishing to follow and support the voices calling for change, consider subscribing to relevant channels and platforms that amplify these crucial conversations:

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