News Summary: Monday, September 2

  • The US confiscated a plane used by the Maduro government. Provea asked that the mandate of the UN Mission on Venezuela be renewed. Smoke from fires in several countries will affect the air in part of Venezuela. And the UN welcomed the immigration amnesty for 100 thousand Venezuelans in Ecuador | Photo: EFE

On Monday, September 2, the United States Department of State seized the Dassault Falcon 900EX aircraft used by Nicolás Maduro and his representatives.

Provea has called for the renewal of the work of the United Nations (UN) Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, as its mandate expires in September 2024.

Smoke from forest fires in several South American countries will affect the air in Venezuela for the next 48 to 36 hours.

In international news, the UN welcomed the recent presidential decree in Ecuador to grant immigration amnesty, a measure that would benefit almost 100,000 Venezuelans.

Below are the top stories from Monday, September 2:

The U.S. State Department reported on September 2 that it seized the Dassault Falcon 900EX aircraft used by Nicolás Maduro and his representatives.

The aircraft was seized in the Dominican Republic and transferred to the Southern District of Florida at the request of the United States based on violations of U.S. export control and sanctions laws.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said the plane was illegally purchased for $13 million “through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies,” a statement said. use from the Department of Justice.

Photo: EFE

On Monday, September 2, the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested that a court specializing in “terrorism” crimes issue an “arrest warrant” against the standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo González Urrutia. This is for his “alleged commission of crimes of usurpation of functions” and “forgery of public documents” in relation to the electoral records of the presidential elections of July 28.

The Public Prosecutor's Office requested an arrest warrant against Edmundo González
Photo: EFE/ Rayner Peña R.

The request is made after the Prosecutor’s Office summoned González Urrutia on three occasions and he decided not to appear, as he did not know in what capacity he should appear and did not acknowledge the crimes that the Public Prosecutor’s Office attributes to him.

According to a document from the public prosecutor’s office dated September 2, the PUD candidate is also accused of “instigating disobedience of laws,” “conspiracy,” “sabotage to damage systems and association (to commit crimes).”

Provea issued a statement on Monday, September 2, calling for the renewal of the work of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela. This is because its mandate expires in September 2024.

“His work has been key to denouncing chains of command, judicial control, torture centers, the Mining Arc and more. His mandate is more necessary than ever because the repression in Venezuela continues,” Provea wrote on his official X account (Twitter).

The NGO said that the UN Human Rights Council should renew the mission due to the reports of human rights violations that continue to occur in the country. They also warned that civil society is at risk due to the approval of a law against NGOs.

Provea asked for the renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission on Venezuela
Photo: ONU

Smoke from forest fires in several South American countries will affect the air in several states of Venezuela for the next 48 to 36 hours starting Monday, September 2, according to Venezuelan meteorologist Luis Vargas.

He also explained that the pattern of winds from the southwest of the continent favors the arrival of mild to moderate concentrations of smoke towards part of Venezuelan territory originating from forest and vegetation fires recorded in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Vargas added that during the course of Monday the concentration of smoke will be more noticeable in the states of Apure, Barinas, Portuguesa and Cojedes.

Smoke from fires in several South American countries will affect the air in part of Venezuela
Photo: Luis Vargas in X

5. The UN welcomed the immigration amnesty for 100,000 Venezuelans in Ecuador

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomed on Monday, September 2, the recent presidential decree in Ecuador to regulate Venezuelan citizens through an extraordinary procedure, which is estimated to benefit some 100,000 members of that community.

The initiative will help thousands of people emerge from the shadows of irregularity and overcome the barriers they have suffered for years without documentation, so that they can contribute to the communities that host them,” said Eduardo Stein, representative of the two agencies for Venezuelan migrants, in a statement reported by the EFE news agency.

The decree of August 24 granted what was called An “immigration amnesty” for Venezuelan migrants and refugees who had started regularization registrations in 2022 but had not managed to complete the necessary procedures.

Regularization plan in Ecuador: 24,000 Venezuelans requested an appointment on the first day

The president of the Madrid region, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, urged the Spanish government on Monday, September 2, to open the Spanish embassy in Caracas to Edmundo Gonzalezto give him asylum.

Spain should open the doors of the Embassy today to protect this man, because they are going to kill him or arrest him and they are not going to release him. And they are doing it with the relatives and the entourage of the winners of the elections, who are not the opposition, but the government elected by the people of Venezuela,” Díaz Ayuso said in an interview with the television network. Antenna 3.

Along those lines, he pointed out that González should be granted asylum in any of the embassies of European countries, as well as the United States, or all the nations on the American continent “that say they are shocked by what is happening.”

The Popular Party turns the map of Spain blue in its regional and municipal elections
EFE/Chema Moya

The first chamber of the Supreme Court of Brazil unanimously ratified on Monday, September 2, the precautionary decision that suspended the services of the social network X in the country, due to repeated disregard by tycoon Elon Musk of various rulings issued by that court.

The five judges who make up the court ruled virtually in favor of the suspension of X, which came into effect gradually from the early hours of last Saturday. This measure will remain in place until the social network complies with “all” of the court’s decisions, which “are valid for all companies operating in Brazil,” according to the ruling.

The first vote was taken by the case instructor, Alexandre de Moraes, whom Musk calls a “dictator” and has been insulting for months on the X itself, after he ordered the suspension of dozens of profiles on that platform in the context of a trial regarding the massive dissemination of fake news.

Brazil's Supreme Court debates injunction that suspended social network service
EFE/ Antonio Lacerda.

Venezuelan midfielder Yangel Herrera, who plays for Girona FC in Spain, will not be able to attend the Vinotinto squad for the matches against Bolivia and Uruguay due to a fibrillar tear in his left leg, the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF) reported on Monday.

Herrera has been diagnosed by his club’s medical team with a fibrillar tear in the left adductor muscle, according to the results of the MRI performed after his exit from the match against Sevilla,” the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF) reported on Monday, September 2, in statements reported by the EFE news agency.

Herrera’s diagnosis indicates an injury with an approximate recovery time of three weeks.

Yangel Herrera after qualifying for the quarterfinals in the Copa América:

9. Summary of Venezuelans at the Paris 2024 Paralympics

On Monday, September 2, Venezuelan Paralympic athletes Linda and Alejandra Pérez qualified for the semi-finals of the 100 and 400 meter paraathletics at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

Alejandra Pérez managed to qualify in second place with a time of 56.34, while Linda Pérez achieved third place to qualify with a time of 12.19.

So far in the 2024 Paralympic Games, Venezuela has won two medals. One gold, obtained by Enderson Santos in the T11 category of 400 meters and a silver medal won by the Paralympic runner Lisbeli Verawho achieved second place in the final of the 400 meters flat in the T47 category.

#WeExplainTheDay | Monday, September 2

In The Diary We present you a summary of the most important information of the day, which you should know at the national and international level.

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#News #Summary #Monday #September
2024-09-03 13:57:55



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