News summary for Thursday, July 25

News summary for Thursday, July 25
  • Opposition and government close electoral campaigns in Caracas. Association of Airlines reported that they will work normally on July 28. And Venezuelan authorities denied entry to the country to Argentine journalist Jorge Pizarro | Photo: José Daniel Ramos

On Thursday, July 25, the Venezuelan opposition held its closing campaign in Las Mercedes, Baruta municipality, while the government did so on Bolívar Avenue in Caracas.

The executive president of the Association of Airlines in Venezuela (ALAV), Marisela de Loaiza, reported that operations will function normally during the presidential elections on Sunday, July 28.

Argentine radio station Rivadavia 630 reported that Jorge Pizarro, a journalist for that media outlet, was arrested in Venezuela and could be returned to his country.

Below are the most important news from Thursday, July 25:

1. Opposition and government close electoral campaigns in Caracas

On Thursday, July 25, the Venezuelan opposition and the ruling party held their closing campaign for the presidential elections on July 28.

The call for the closing of the campaign of the candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo González, was scheduled on the main avenue of Las Mercedes, Baruta municipality, for 4:00 pm.

For his part, the head of government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández, informed VTV that the closing of the campaign of President Nicolás Maduro takes place from 10:00 am on Bolívar Avenue in Caracas and will extend until 10:00 pm.

The executive president of the Association of Airlines in Venezuela (ALAV), Marisela de Loaiza, reported on July 25 that operations will function normally during the presidential elections on Sunday, July 28.

“We had the meeting that we normally have every week, and one of the agenda items was the flights for Sunday. There is a document that the Ministry of the Interior sent

Defense says that there will be strict border control from midnight on Saturday, July 27, but that is fulfilled by air operations, so nothing changes,” said de Loaiza in an interview for Union Radio.

The ALAV representative confirmed that the schedule will continue as planned and revealed that flights, both entering and leaving the country, are fully booked.

Photo: Maiquetía International Airport.

Argentine radio station Rivadavia 630 reported on Thursday, July 25, that Jorge Pizarro, a journalist for that media outlet, was arrested in Venezuela and could be returned to his country.

The Argentine journalist had arrived in Venezuela to cover the presidential elections on July 28. However, the Venezuelan authorities detained him for several hours at the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía (La Guaira) and finally denied him entry into the country.

News summary for Thursday, July 25

“They took 14 photos of me in different settings, they kept my passport, they took me to an isolation and deportation office, they made me record a video,” the Argentine denounced in a post on radio station X.

The journalist said he was unable to travel on a direct flight to Venezuela due to restrictions imposed by the government of Nicolás Maduro on planes coming from Argentina.

Photo: Channel 9

The Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research (Funvisis) reported several earthquakes on the morning of Thursday, July 25, in the state of Zulia.

The first, at 10:11 am, was of magnitude 4.9 on the Richter scale with a depth of five kilometers and the epicenter 35 kilometers from Bachaquero. The second was of magnitude 3.6 with the same epicenter and occurred at 10:23 am.

The third occurred at 10:33 am, with a magnitude of 3.5, with an epicenter 30 kilometers from Bachaquero, detailed in X (formerly Twitter).

Two earthquakes were recorded in Zulia in less than an hour
Photo: Courtesy

Chilean President Gabriel Boric has expressed his support for his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and considers it “inconceivable” that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro threatens “bloodbaths” if he does not win the elections on Sunday, July 28.

“I agree with and support Lula’s statements: under no circumstances can we threaten bloodbaths. What the leaders and candidates receive is a bloodbath and these bloodbaths represent popular sovereignty, which must be respected,” Boric said on Thursday, July 25, in a meeting with foreign correspondents.

Lula admitted on Monday, July 22, that he was “scared” when he heard Maduro say at a campaign event in a working-class area of ​​Caracas that if he did not win the election, Venezuela would fall “into a bloodbath, into a civil war.”

Gabriel Boric: “Nicolás Maduro cannot threaten with bloodbaths”
EFE/ Elvis Gonzalez ARCHIVE

Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino warned on Thursday, July 25, that if the political situation in Venezuela worsens after the elections on Sunday, July 28, they must be prepared, because the flow of migrants through Darién will increase “in a very short period of time.”

“We are three days away from a solution or a worsening of the political situation in Venezuela. I advocate for a democratic solution that respects the will of the people. If that turns out to be the case, I feel that we will have an improvement in the situation, because Venezuela represents 66% of the migrants. That country contributes a significant number of people to the transit,” said the Panamanian president in statements collected by the EFE news agency.

According to Mulino, the elections on Sunday, July 28, would be “one of Venezuela’s last chances to open up to a democratic and peaceful world.”

Panama elections: how is the day going?
EFE/ David Toro

In The newspaper We present you a summary of the most important information of the day, which you should know at the national and international level.

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#News #summary #Thursday #July
2024-07-26 15:43:58



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