News from Brussels – NATO is returning to its roots: from an emphasis on political issues to military affairs

2023-04-20 09:22:33

D. Matulionis could not yet comment on what would specifically change regarding the defense plans of the Baltic countries, which would provide for military capabilities and their activation deadlines.

This issue, as he noted, is not public.

“I just want to emphasize once again that the Commander-in-Chief of the Alliance will certainly gain more powers in the event of an armed conflict against a member of the Alliance anywhere in the Alliance.

And, accordingly, with the entire structure of our Alliance forces. Not just land forces, but air forces, sea forces, and a lot of other issues that need to be fully addressed in order to get back to an effective collective defense that has perhaps been a little less emphasized recently. Before the war, more emphasis was placed on political issues,” he commented to Lithuanian journalists visiting Brussels on Thursday.

Arno Strumilos / 15min photo/Deividas Matulionis

Lithuania will also have to allocate resources

D. Matulionis hopes that the new NATO defense plans will be approved and will be favorable due to the defensibility of the eastern flank.

“We very much hope that at the NATO summit they will be politically finally approved and implemented. Some more time will be needed for their implementation”, the ambassador of our country’s representation to NATO told journalists from Lithuania visiting Brussels. chief Jens Stoltenberg in Kyiv chief Jens Stoltenberg in Kyiv

At the same time, he mentioned that it has not yet been decided at what level they will be approved. It is said that there is some discussion about this.

According to D. Matulionis, it should be finally clear how everything will look before the meeting of the Defense Ministers of the Alliance, which will take place in June.

However, according to the diplomat, the declaration that will be signed by the NATO heads of state in Vilnius will clearly state that we are moving towards new quality defense plans to defend the Alliance’s territory.

As D. Matulionis mentioned, Lithuania already assumes considerable obligations regarding defense.

He reminded that a division is being created and the army is being modernized.

“And accordingly, Lithuania will also have to dedicate its forces to the Alliance, that is, not only to the defense of Lithuania,” he said.

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The most difficult question is about Ukraine

Lithuania seeks to give Ukraine a clear perspective of NATO membership.

However, D. Matulionis admitted that this issue is complicated.

Photo of the Military Administration Service of the Donetsk Region/Consequences of the Russian attack in Slovyansk

Photo of the Military Administration Service of the Donetsk Region/Consequences of the Russian attack in Slovyansk

“A package will definitely be prepared, which I hope will be favorable to the Ukrainians. But the debate has only just begun, so it would be irresponsible for me to comment now, because there are different opinions on how far we should go.

You know Lithuania’s position very well – it is clear to everyone: our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President, and the Seimas. We will try to do everything possible to bring Ukraine closer to NATO”, emphasized the ambassador.

According to D. Matulionis, Ukraine should be gradually included in the Alliance. How this will be done remains to be seen.

“It is probably the most difficult issue within NATO right now,” he noted.

As he specified, for tactical reasons, but as he also noted – not for strategic issues, the members of the Alliance have different opinions on Ukraine’s membership.

D. Matulionis said he hopes that Sweden will be able to join NATO in the near future. Its membership application has not yet been approved by two countries of the Alliance, Turkey and Hungary.

15min the journalist’s visit to Brussels is paid for by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It has no influence on the content.

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