News 24 | The Health Authority clarifies the viruses that cause cold symptoms in children

Today (Thursday), the Public Health Authority reviewed the viruses that cause symptoms of colds in children and respiratory infections, and the difference between colds and seasonal influenza.

The authority explained that the “rhinovirus” is the most common and usually spreads in the spring and fall, as well as the “human parainfluenza virus”, and causes flu-like symptoms, and it is found in four species, one of which is spread at the beginning of the summer and is present throughout the year.

She added that the “respiratory syncytial virus” usually affects younger children, and may cause symptoms of inflammation similar to an asthma attack, and may require hypnosis and is present in most months of the year, but globally the infection increases in the autumn.

The difference between cold and flu

The authority confirmed that the common cold and seasonal flu have similar symptoms, and the difference between them is that the flu may appear more severe and is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, in addition to severe fatigue, and muscle pain, as well as its complications are the most dangerous, especially among the elderly, children and those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Prevention of respiratory infection

She added that the prevention of respiratory disease infection lies in washing hands frequently, isolating and avoiding contact with others infected, and ensuring seasonal vaccinations.

She indicated the need to seek health care if symptoms persist for more than 10 days, if there is a severe rise in temperature or severe symptoms, and if the patient is a child of 3 months or less and suffers from a high temperature or lack of activity.


She revealed that among the first symptoms of the common cold, a runny nose and sore throat, followed by coughing and sneezing; Other symptoms include headache and fatigue, and symptoms last from 7-10 days.

She indicated that a person may be infected mostly two to three times a year, while children may be exposed to more than three times, and it is more widely spread in the winter and spring seasons, indicating that there is no effective vaccine once morest common colds.

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