News 24 | The celebrity advertising license comes into effect..and these are the conditions for obtaining it

Today (Saturday) the license for individuals to provide content through social media platforms “reliable” entered into force, which was established by the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Audio-Visual Media to be included in the list of the audio-visual media system.

The authority called on the persons practicing this activity to obtain the necessary license; To avoid taking legal measures against them, such as penalties and fines, indicating that the value of the license is 15,000 riyals, and its term lasts for 3 years.

She pointed out that the conditions for obtaining a “reliable” license include adherence to the conditions and controls for individual submission of content through social media platforms issued by the authority, adherence to the controls related to content, advertisements and classifications, and a pledge to provide any data, information or reports requested by the authority.

The conditions included a pledge to stop any media content immediately and without objection upon the authority’s request, as well as a pledge not to display any advertisement except through an account registered with the authority and linked to the license granted to the licensee. The necessary licenses and approvals from the Authority and the relevant authorities.

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