News 24 | Passports clarify the steps for issuing the new electronic passport.. and the fate of the old one, Absher

The General Directorate of Passports clarified the steps for issuing the new electronic passport after its official launch, and how to set an appointment from the list of appointments on the “Absher” platform.

The Directorate indicated that it is currently possible to issue the passport in the passport departments in the regions, by reviewing after taking an appointment on the “Absher” electronic platform, and delivering it to the beneficiary via the Saudi post “Sabil” within three working days.

She pointed out that the review process can be completed by selecting an appointment from the list of appointments in “Absher”, selecting the icon for the date of issuance or renewal of the passport, and then going to the headquarters of the Passport Department in the region.

She noted that the requirements for issuing the new electronic passport must be submitted, “the national identity and two personal photos, along with the old passport in case of renewal,” noting that the “Absher” electronic platform can be used to issue and renew the “previous version” passport.

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