News 24 | NASA monitors the afterglow of a cosmic explosion (photos)

Astronomers at NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have detected the afterglow of a massive cosmic explosion called a kilonova, which was caused by the collision of neutron stars, which led to the emission of an intense mass of high-energy particles in the form of a flash.

The observatory reported, according to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”, that the mass of particles emitted from the explosion contains elements such as silver, gold, platinum and uranium, as “kilonova” resulted from the merger of two neutron stars that resulted in an explosion that was 1000 times brighter than the brightness resulting from the explosion of “Nova” known as the Big Bang.

While experts at the American Northwestern Center for Astronomical Exploration and Research confirmed that this rare astronomical phenomenon opens the way for researchers to learn about the history of giant stars that collapsed, causing cosmic explosions that resulted in huge amounts of energy.




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