News 24 | Health explains how to detect allergenic foods in two steps

The Ministry of Health reviewed how to discover foods that may cause food allergies, warning against taking any steps without consulting a specialist doctor or a therapeutic nutritionist.

The ministry explained that the first step is to identify the food that causes allergies through 4 points: recording the allergic diseases present in the family, recording the foods and drinks that are consumed, their quantity and type, as well as recording the symptoms and the time from eating them to the beginning of the appearance of the first show, in addition to recording the foods that may have been eaten. be the allergen.

It indicated that the second step includes two tests; The first is to stop the suspected foods for two weeks, and monitor the organs, if the symptoms disappear, it means that the food eaten is the cause of the allergy.

She pointed out that the second test is for eating suspicious foods, and if allergy symptoms appear within 10 – 120 minutes, this means that this food is the main cause of allergy, calling for avoiding this step in the event of a severe reaction from it.


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