News 24 | Bedridden for 12 years.. A citizen weighing more than 250 kilograms reveals his suffering with obesity (video)

Citizen Nasser talked about his suffering from severe obesity, which made him bedridden for more than 12 years, during which he suffered greatly from immobility.

Nasser Nasir During his meeting on the “120 Program” on the “Al-Ekhbariya” channel, today (Saturday), He supports a family of 8, and the expenditure on that family depends on the sources of government aid.

He added that he has been bedridden for 12 years and cannot move from his place, indicating that he went to several hospitals and received many treatments and medicines, and his health did not improve.

He pointed out that his obesity caused him major health problems, and made him unable to walk or even sit, and appealed to the Ministry of Health to treat him in a private hospital so that he could stand on his feet again.

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