Newlywed Steven Phan’s Hawaii Honeymoon Tragedy: A Heartbreaking Story of Loss and Theft

2023-06-12 09:47:26

It was the first trip after taking the oath for life. For newlywed Steven Phan († 49), the honeymoon ended in death.

He vacationed in Hawaii with his wife Brittany. The drama ensued while snorkeling: Steven suddenly got into trouble around 10:30 a.m. in the water at O’ahu’s popular Electric Beach.

Eyewitnesses reacted and pulled him, according to a report by the Hawaiian news portal “Khon2” out of the water. On the beach they tried to revive him. Brittany could only watch, fearing for the life of her great love!

The called emergency services could only determine his death on site.

Steven’s former colleagues said goodbye online


︎ Unbelievable: While Steven was fighting for his life, strangers stole the couple’s valuables on the beach. “Thieves took their cell phones, wallets, money and clothes,” writes a relative of the dead on the Internet.

Even the couple’s car key and rental car were stolen!

More than 20,000 euros were raised for Steven's widow on the Internet

More than 20,000 euros were raised for Steven’s widow on the Internet

Photo: gufundme

“We are all shocked, stunned and heartbroken at the loss of such a great person,” the family continued. She put one donation collection up, wants to support the widow with the funeral and other costs. So far, the equivalent of around 20,000 euros has been collected.

A former colleague who donated $100 commemorated the dead: “Steven was my supervisor for 5 years. He always encouraged me to do my best and taught me how to be a leader. Without him I wouldn’t be where I am today. I keep all of our fun memories and life lessons close to my heart.”

Local Rhonda Aquino told Khon2 that Calamity Beach is popular with tourists for snorkeling trips. But: “The current is very strong here.” A city councilor announced that lifeguards should be on site from the beginning of September.

Steven is to be buried on Monday.

#Hawaii #Steven #drowned #honeymoon #stole #News

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