New York Judge Allows Lawsuit Against California Casinos to Proceed

In her opinion, Judge Loretta Preska of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York said casino operators Stones South Bay Corp. and King’s Casino Management Corp. must address the charges filed by Transient Path. The lawsuit alleges that the casinos violated licensing agreements with Transient Path, including reverse engineering the source code of gambling software.

Transient Path, the plaintiff, filed the lawsuit against Stones South Bay, also known as Seven Mile Casino, and King’s Casino Management Corp. The company alleges that these casinos violated their licensing agreements, resulting in the unauthorized use and misappropriation of Transient Path’s trade secrets.

The decision serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting licensing agreements and protecting trade secrets. Businesses must be vigilant in ensuring they comply with legal obligations and intellectual property rights.



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