New yellow alert for winds and storms for 10 provinces

2024-01-13 17:57:00

January has been a month where National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued several storm warnings in different parts of the country and this Saturday, January 13, was no exception. The specialists launched a yellow alert for five provinces due to storms and strong gusts of wind for another five.

According to the SMN, the affected provinces will be Buenos Aires, Mendoza, San Luis, Córdoba and La Pampa, while Zonda wind is also expected for Mendoza and strong gusts for Neuquén, Chubut, Río Negro, northwest of Santa Cruz and the coast south of Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.

In Buenos Aires the rains will reach the towns of General Alvear, General Belgrano, General Paz, Las Flores, Lobos, San Miguel del Monte, Navarro, Roque Pérez, Saladillo, Benito Juárez, Lobería, Necochea y Tandil.

It was also reported that in Córdoba the alert is for the southern area of ​​the province and it was detailed that it might reach the cities of Juárez Celman, Río Cuarto, General Roca and Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña.

In San Luis the storms would affect a large part of the territory, while in La Pampa it would reach the areas of Chapaleufú, Maracó, Rancul, Realicó and Trenel.

According to the SMN “the mentioned areas will be affected by storms, some locally strong, which will be accompanied by intense gusts, strong electrical activity, occasional hail falls and abundant falls of water in short periods”. Studies claim that they might fall between 20 and 60 millimeters.

Yellow alert for winds and warning for zone in Mendoza

In the case of Mendoza, the meteorological service foresees a yellow alert for zonda wind in the lower area of ​​Malargüe, with speeds that would range between 30 and 50 kilometers per hour, and gusts of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

20230113 Yellow alert from the National Meteorological Service (SMN)

The other provinces with a yellow alert for winds are Neuquén, Chubut and Santa Cruz. The areas where the intensities are expected to be strongest are the south and west of Santa Cruz, and the southern coastal area. Southwest winds are expected to reach speeds between 50 and 75 kilometers per hour, with gusts that might reach 100 kilometers per hour. For this reason, the agency recommended avoiding outdoor activities.

For the SMN, the yellow alert level means “possible meteorological phenomena with the potential for damage and risk of momentary interruption of daily activities“, strong storms accompanied by intense gusts that can reach 90 kilometers per hour, strong electrical activity, hail and abundant falls of water in short periods.

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