New Year Celebrations in Moscow: Glittering Lights and Festivities

2023-12-25 03:01:00

Russia’s capital Moscow welcomes the New Year with glittering lights

Release time: 11:01 on December 25, 2023 Source: China News Network

On December 24, local time, as the New Year is approaching, the main streets, squares, shopping malls, etc. in Moscow, the capital of Russia, were decorated with new decorations, creating a festive atmosphere.

Moscow Mayor Sobyanin said that Moscow will host about 200 large-scale festivals during the New Year. However, Moscow’s New Year’s Eve in 2024 will continue as last time and will not hold a New Year’s fireworks display.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov recently stated that there are no plans to hold a New Year’s reception in the Kremlin this year.

Polling data recently released by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, a Russian polling agency, shows that among the events that attract the most attention to Russians in 2023, Ukraine crisis, economic development, and Putin-related events rank in the top three, accounting for 22% and 16%, 8%. In 2024, the main events that Russians are most looking forward to are the end of the special military operation against Ukraine (45%), the presidential election (26%), economic growth and improvement of living standards (13%). 63% of Russians believe that next year will be a successful year, an increase of 18 percentage points from last year and one of the highest figures in 20 years. (Reporter Tian Bing and Liu Shijiong)

Editor in charge:[Li Ji]

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