New – what is happening in the occupied reserve — Ukraine

The world-famous Askania-Nova nature reserve has been under occupation since the first day of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine. The Russians simply destroy it.

What makes the reserve unique and what is happening to it now – read exclusively on TSN.UA.

Ukrainian “Ascania-Nova”

The reserve “Ascania-Nova” was one of the most powerful tourist magnets in the south of Ukraine. Before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on Ukrainian lands “Ascania-Nova” was the largest steppe reserve in Europe, which was visited by about 140 thousand tourists every year. Its total area is more than 33 thousand hectares. “Askania-Nova” is a unique place. It is home to the largest steppe massif in Europe, which has never been devastated, as well as a large zoo and arboretum. This reserve has been home to many rare and endangered species of animals such as kulans, saigas and even African antelopes. The reserve also has great scientific value, because the interaction of natural ecosystems was studied here.

Unfortunately, “Askania-Nova” was under Russian occupation from the first day of the great war. It was repeatedly reported about dozens of fires in the protected areas and the organization of “safari” by the occupiers – the actual killing of animals on the territory of the protected area. And so the head of the Kherson OVA, Oleksandr Prokudin, said that the reserve “Askania-Nova”, which is located on the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region, “no longer exists”. That’s what he’s about told in an interview with “RBK-Ukraine”:

“Yes, it’s true, they are destroying it. The last thing I heard was that they were taking the animals to Crimea and Russia. In other words, we can say that the reserve no longer exists. They robbed it thoroughly.”

At the same time, the director of the reserve, Viktor Shapoval, commented to Suspilno notedthat, in his opinion, Prokudin’s phrase was taken out of context. According to Shapoval, the Russians are really taking animals out of Askania-Nova. But today it is not about destroying the reserve:

“This is a process that is taking place, but it is not a fait accompli. To date, 20 animals have been exported to the Russian Federation and to the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea. Some of them died due to neglect, lack of qualified scientific support and veterinary care. A significant part of the protected steppe is more than 2,000 hectares burned down as a result of fires of various nature”.

According to him, these facts are recorded by a special commission under the Kherson OVA, the State Inspectorate. Shapoval assured that the law enforcement officers have already opened a number of criminal proceedings due to the actions of the occupiers in relation to Askania-Nova:

“The facts of significant damage caused by Russia’s armed aggression and occupation are real. The fact of the destruction of the nature reserve is not.”

Local journalists do not agree with the words about the complete destruction of the reserve. Yes, Yevgenia Vyrlych, editor-in-chief of the “Watermelon City” publication he saysthat “Ascania-Nova” exists, but “not in the form in which it was and should be”:

“The reserve does not exist” is a lie. It exists. Not in the form in which it was and should be. But it exists. The Russians use it in propaganda. They opened it for visitors, having previously robbed it. But they have NOT looted (yet!). They need the reserve in at least some condition to use in propaganda. And the fact that Mr. Prokudin said that the reserve does not exist is a great excuse for Russians to now say “hahaha, they are lying, here it is, the reserve.” And they will drive schoolchildren there with excursions, first they will send budget workers with brooms to clean and whiten the curbs. And the whole world will wonder how it is – well, it exists.

“The Russians are destroying it.” Yes, that’s true. The Russians are gradually destroying it, in particular with fires, which were very numerous in two years.

“The Last I Heard” this is how official communication should happen, right? Kherson regional state administration, I knew that you feed exclusively on gossip, especially the last two and a half years, but not so much. I will reveal a secret – the directorate of the reserve is in touch, they did not betray, they are always ready to give comments, are in the controlled territory and have a lot of relevant information. What’s more, they comment qualitatively, and not this “there is no more”, when in fact there is.

About the removal of animals – truth. But not just export – Russians both export and exchange animals, that is, they import animals from the parks of Crimea and Russia. Didn’t know? Now you know. Yes, everything is bad and difficult in the reserve. But “no more” is FALSE. God grant that he will be.”

Preservation of “Ascania-Nova” is important not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole world. This is a matter of global importance, because the destruction of such a unique reserve will have long-term consequences for biodiversity. Ukrainian ecologists call for support and cooperation at the international level to restore the reserve after the end of the war.

“Russian Mir” in Mariupol

We would like to remind you that such a terrible situation is happening not only with Ukrainian protected areas. Everything that the “Russian measure” touches turns into ruins. Blackened high-rise buildings with the bodies of their residents buried under them, graves just in the middle of the streets, military and civilians in the blockade, and then captured and deported, the destroyed “Azovstal”, the destroyed drama theater with hundreds of dead – this is what Ukrainians and the world are seeing Mariupol after the assault of the Russian troops in 2022.

It would seem that since then it is impossible to live there. However, some residents still remain in Mariupol. Moreover, Russia is trying to make it a showcase – allegedly successful – of captured territories of Ukraine. However, all that glitters is not gold.

But he kept silent about the protests of Mariupol residents who remained on the street. And they did not make a video call with these people. The head of the terrorist state did not talk about the constant gusts, lack of light, water and heat in many houses. Local residents write about this almost every day in chat rooms, but only those who say that everything is “good” are shown to the dictator.

During the occupation, the city turned into a center of Soviet propaganda and Russian inaction. But despite the constant complaints of the townspeople, the occupiers threw all their forces not into helping people, but into hiding their own terrible crimes. “I get the impression that I don’t know this city,” this is what the residents themselves say about Mariupol, who see what the occupiers have done to their native city. One of the townspeople showed what the center looks like now. A half-destroyed shopping mall, mutilated historical houses near the ruins of the drama theater. The Ukrainian city, which was once a center of development and renewal, has now turned into ruins.

Occupiers continue to demolish houses. Among them are not only residential buildings, but also kindergartens and schools.

The left bank of Mariupol is drowning in sewage waste. The problem of sewage overflows has become critical for the occupied city. For two years already, the townspeople have been complaining about the flooding of basements and “rivers” and “lakes” from waste. But the situation is getting worse, this disaster is only getting bigger.

Russia used “starvation tactics”

Ukraine and our partners are doing everything to open the eyes of the international community to what crimes the Russian Federation is committing. Lawyers from the Global Rights Compliance organization submitted a conclusion to the International Criminal Court in The Hague that Russia used deliberate “starvation tactics” during the 85-day siege of Mariupol in early 2022. This is reported by The Guardian. The legal report claims that Russia intended to kill a large number of peaceful Ukrainians. It is estimated that 22,000 people died during the siege of Mariupol at the beginning of the war in Ukraine. A few days after the siege, civilians were left without water, gas and electricity at minus 10, as well as without humanitarian evacuation and aid.

We will remind you that the Russian occupiers are destroying the biosphere reserve “Askania-Nova” named after Falz-Feina, which is located on the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region.

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