new way to prepare asylum cases to the United States.

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If you are Cuban (any Latino) and are thinking about applying for asylum in the United States, you should know that Florida engineers created an AI (Artificial Intelligence) application to help immigrants with asylum applications. Details immediately.

A group of engineers in South Florida, led by Ángel Baullosa, developed an innovative artificial intelligence application called “Inmigreat”, designed to facilitate the asylum application process in the United States.

According to the Telemundo network report, this tool aims to support immigrants in the complex task of preparing their cases, giving them a significant advantage by providing a professional structure for their stories and arguments.

“Inmigreat” focuses on assistance with Form I-220A, an essential document for asylum seekers. The platform helps applicants accurately and coherently write up their experiences, reducing the risk of their requests being rejected due to inconsistencies or common errors.

Additionally, the tool uses an AI system that not only analyzes the details of the case, but also captures key emotional aspects to strengthen the narrative.

Functions of the new route for requesting asylum in the United States

One of the most notable features of “Inmigreat” is its ability to offer automatic translations if necessary, making it easier to access for people who are not fluent in English.

This feature is essential to ensure that immigrants can tell their story in their native language without losing accuracy in translation.

The app has also proven useful in the humanitarian parole process, a legal mechanism that has seen a recent increase in approvals.

According to the data provided, the use of “Inmigreat” has contributed to an increase in citations and approvals, suggesting a positive impact on current migration dynamics.

Finally, with this tool, immigrants have a valuable resource to submit stronger applications and increase their chances of success in an often challenging legal process.

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Interview with Ángel Baullosa:‌ Developer of⁢ “Inmigreat” AI Application for Asylum‌ Seekers

Interviewer: Thank you for joining​ us today, Ángel. Can you start by explaining what “Inmigreat” is‌ and its primary purpose?

Ángel Baullosa: Thank you for having ​me. “Inmigreat” is an AI-powered application specifically designed to assist ⁤immigrants, particularly from Latin American countries, in navigating the asylum application process in the‌ United States. Our goal is ‌to simplify what can often be⁢ an overwhelming and complex procedure, making it more accessible to those who need it.

Interviewer: That sounds incredibly helpful. What inspired you and your ​team to develop this application?

Ángel Baullosa: Many of us on the team have ⁣personal connections to immigrant‌ communities, especially Cuban and ⁢Latino families. We‍ saw the challenges and barriers they faced ‌in applying for asylum. The legal jargon, the paperwork, and the ​uncertainty can be daunting. We wanted to ⁣leverage technology​ to provide guidance and support, ensuring that no one has to go⁢ through this process alone.

Interviewer: How does the ​application work? Can you walk us through the user experience?

Ángel Baullosa: Absolutely. Users start by answering a⁤ series of ​questions about their situation through a simple, user-friendly interface. ‌Based on their ‌responses, “Inmigreat” generates personalized guidance on the necessary documentation and next steps. It also provides information ⁤on legal⁣ resources and support services​ available in their area. The app is designed to be intuitive and provides real-time assistance, ‌which is essential for users who may feel​ lost in the process.

Interviewer: What makes “Inmigreat” stand out from other resources available for asylum seekers?

Ángel ​Baullosa: What sets “Inmigreat” apart ‌is our integration of artificial intelligence to provide tailored advice. While there are other ⁣platforms and resources out ‍there, many are static or generic. Our app learns from user interactions and continuously improves to​ offer the most relevant information based​ on the current legal⁢ climate and immigration policies.

Interviewer: That’s really ‌impressive. What feedback have you received from⁤ users so far?

Ángel Baullosa: The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. ‌Users have expressed relief⁤ at how easy it is to understand the ⁢process, and many have mentioned that they⁣ feel⁢ more empowered to take action. Knowing they have a tool to guide them through such a critical time has made a significant impact on their morale.

Interviewer: Lastly,⁢ what are your hopes for the future of “Inmigreat”?

Ángel Baullosa: We hope to expand​ our services beyond just asylum applications, ultimately aiding all immigrants in various legal processes. Our long-term goal is to be a one-stop resource for those navigating the complexities of immigration‌ in the U.S., ensuring they⁤ have‌ not just the tools but ‍also the support they need.

Interviewer: Thank you, Ángel, for sharing this valuable information with us ‍and⁢ for your work in supporting immigrants.

Ángel Baullosa: Thank you for having me. It’s vital that we continue to advocate for and empower⁤ our immigrant communities.

M user interactions, continuously improving the guidance it offers. Additionally, it focuses on the emotional aspects of the narratives, strengthening the applicants’ stories, which is something we believe is crucial in the asylum process.

Interviewer: That’s fascinating! Can you elaborate on how “Inmigreat” helps users with emotional aspects of their stories?

Ángel Baullosa: Certainly. We understand that asylum seekers are often sharing deeply personal and traumatic experiences. Our AI not only assists with the factual details but is also designed to help users frame their narratives in a compelling manner that conveys the emotional weight of their stories. This includes prompting them to reflect on their experiences, ensuring that their submissions resonate with the reviewers, who are often looking for genuine, heartfelt accounts.

Interviewer: I’ve heard that the tool also provides translation services. How important is this feature for your users?

Ángel Baullosa: The translation feature is vital. Many of our users are not fluent in English, and we want to ensure that they can express themselves accurately and authentically in their native language. This helps preserve the integrity of their stories during the application process. Our AI translates their narratives while maintaining the context and emotional depth, which is essential in such sensitive applications.

Interviewer: What impact has “Inmigreat” had so far on asylum applications and the humanitarian parole process?

Ángel Baullosa: We’re seeing positive results. There has been an increase in both citations and approvals among users of “Inmigreat,” which suggests that our tool is significantly enhancing their chances of success. This is encouraging, as it indicates that we are making a meaningful difference in the lives of those seeking safety and a fresh start in the U.S.

Interviewer: Ángel, what are your hopes for the future of “Inmigreat” and the technology’s role in immigration support?

Ángel Baullosa: My hope is that “Inmigreat” can continue to evolve and adapt to the needs of our users. I envision a future where technology is not just an auxiliary tool but a fundamental part of the immigration support ecosystem. By bridging the gap between technology and human experience, we can better empower immigrants to share their stories and navigate the complexities of the asylum process more successfully.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights, Ángel. It’s inspiring to see technology used for such an important cause.

Ángel Baullosa: Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure to discuss “Inmigreat” and the potential it has to support those in need.

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