New toll system in Croatia after summer 2026

The system will be built by the consortium of the Slovakian SkyToll and the Czech TollNet on the entire Croatian motorway network. A corresponding contract worth almost 80 million euros was signed today, Tuesday, with the Croatian Ministry of Transport and the state motorway company HAC in Zagreb, Croatian media reported.

The new system will eliminate toll booths. Cars will pay the toll via the existing toll box (ENC) or the automatic number plate recognition (ALPR). Trucks, on the other hand, will have to use the toll box. The toll will continue to be calculated based on the kilometers driven.

Register online or with sales partners

Anyone who has opted for license plate recognition will have to register in advance via a web portal or with sales partners (petrol stations). There will also be at least one lane at the motorway entrances for the quick registration of vehicles.

The control will be carried out via 208 portals at motorway junctions. In addition, 74 mobile units with cameras and lasers will be used to collect tolls, it was said.

The new toll system will cover the entire Croatian motorway network. The majority of the motorways (around 1,100 kilometres) will be managed by HAC. A smaller part will be managed by the concessionaires Bina-Istra (141 kilometres) and the Zagreb-Macelj motorway (60 kilometres), which will also be integrated into the new system.



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