New siege of the High Courts promoted by the Government

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Once again, the Government is trying to besiege the High Courts; this time, the Constitutional Court, so that the decision adopted by this corporation in the face of the accumulation of lawsuits for unconstitutionality filed against the law that approved the Pension Reform, favors its deceptive populist interests, regardless of whether it is done at the cost of violating the legal order.

This new incitement to a siege that could become a riot is being promoted by Mr. Gustavo Bolívar, who, lacking sanity, violating the legal order and defying the penal statute, has made a call to the elderly, to attend a demonstration in “defense“of the Pension Reform, which, as is well known and fully demonstrated, was approved by Congress in an irregular manner, and sanctioned by Petro knowing its obvious and incurable vices, both in procedureas of unit of matter.

Apparently, Mr. Bolívar’s call to senior citizens is in response to the recent ruling by the Constitutional Court that declared unconstitutional the statutory bill that sought to modify the Electoral Code due to flaws similar to those that occurred during the Pension Reform.

But, in addition to the flaws in form and substance in the processing of the Pension Reform, the legal errors, and the absurdities and legal nonsense that its content displays, are glaring and in themselves, merit its declaration of unconstitutionality, as well as a serious exhortation to the Congress of the Republic to fully comply with its constitutional duties.

The new attempt to siege the Cortes promoted by Mr. Bolívar, Petro’s main acolyte, seeks to make use of what he calls “old men and women of Colombia”, so that they are the ones who defend the reform before the Constitutional Court, as if during the process of an unconstitutionality action, the demonstrations, marches and concentrations were appropriate and had some procedural value, or that, so that the elderly continue receiving help from the program Greater Colombia Created during the Government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the approval of the reform will be required.

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Although Mr. Bolívar’s dark and witty pornographic imagination is widely recognized, his ignorance in constitutional, institutional and administrative matters is proverbial and insurmountable, and he has given and continues to give daily evidence of this.

It is incomprehensible how a person with so many limitations and lacking in training and experience can hold such a high position and be the bearer of such delicate responsibilities. Unfortunately for the nation, Mr. Bolívar is not the only example of incompetence, incapacity and shameless cynicism in the current government.

Mr. Bolívar should bear in mind that using violence against public servants to force them to perform or omit an act inherent to their position or to perform an act contrary to their official duties is punishable by imprisonment.

You should also keep in mind – if you participate in the demonstration – that those who tumultuously demand from the authorities the execution or omission of any act pertaining to their functions will be subject to imprisonment.

The nation must not forget that, during the languid act of sanctioning the Pension Reform law in the Plaza de Bolívar, Gustavo Petro suggested a mobilization in defense of the reform, and in an imprudent and extremely improper and offensive manner said, “We must not let her go to waste. That is why I ask justice, from here, to look at her from the eyes, not of the dollar, but of love.“as if justice were motivated by economic or emotional interests, and not based on legal norms.

It is regrettable that a ruler and his obsequious followers deliberately try to influence the decisions of the judicial branch, and even worse, that they disqualify and disregard them if they do not fit with their doctrines and preachings.

The President of the Honorable Council of State is right when he denounces the Government’s failure to comply with many judicial decisions, which, in addition to being an act in violation of the law, causes congestion and judicial overcrowding, due to the need to bring executive proceedings against the Government, so that it is forced to comply with the rulings issued.

Let no one forget that the serious financial situation currently faced by Health Promoting Entities (EPS) is the result of the Government’s prolonged disregard for a decision by the Constitutional Court.

In Waiting Room No. 1: Let the honorable National Electoral Council fulfill its duty. Either to dispel the cloak of doubt that hangs over the legitimacy of Petro’s election and investiture, or to prove that his campaign exceeded the amount authorized by law, and, if so, the Commission of Investigations and Accusations of the House of Representatives, based on this accounting demonstration, now yes, and immediately, present before the Senate a formal accusation against Petro for unworthiness, derived from the proven violation of the law, and thus, comply with what is established in articles 109, 174 and 175 of the National Constitution; in the Article 21 of Law 996 of 2005 containing the Regulations for the Election of the President of the Republic, and; in the Judgment C-1153 of 2005 of the Constitutional Court, through which it stated: The loss of the presidential office is due to a blatant and very serious violation of the campaign financing regime.

In Waiting Room No. 2: May the International Criminal Court issue an arrest warrant against Nicolás Maduro, and may the Venezuelan people regain their freedom and democracy.

© 2024. Todos los Derechos Reservados.
*Rafael Rodríguez-Jaraba. Abogado Esp. Mag. Consultor Jurídico. Asesor Corporativo. Litigante. Conjuez. Árbitro Nacional e Internacional en Derecho. Catedrático. Miembro de la Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia.

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2024-08-19 20:49:40
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