New school year begins in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland

Symptom-free covid-positive students are allowed to attend classes with FFP2 masks, symptom-free positive teachers can partially teach.

For around 490,000 schoolchildren in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, the new school year begins on Monday. Unlike last year, there is no general obligation to carry out a Covid test at the start of school, and masks do not have to be worn either. With “digital basic education” there is a new compulsory subject on the timetable in the first three classes of the AHS lower level and middle school.

The Corona rules roughly correspond to those with which the past school year ended: Although there is no general test and mask requirement – in the case of infections, directors can order antigen tests or masks for up to two weeks, with the consent of the education department longer .

Also new: Symptom-free covid-positive students are allowed to attend classes with FFP2 masks, symptom-free positive teachers at AHS and BMHS and in some federal states also at compulsory schools can teach with FFP2 masks. There will be a total of 1.13 million pupils this year, 93,000 of whom are “Taferl” students.


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