New Rouss Jersey 2021: Adidas Collaboration and Redesigned Logo | Exclusive Access

New Rouss Jersey 2021: Adidas Collaboration and Redesigned Logo | Exclusive Access

2024-03-21 17:05:35

It’s a long-awaited event, every year, by Rouss supporters: the unveiling of the new jersey for the next season. Next summer, many of them will still be patiently waiting for the new red and white tunics. A jacket which will once once more be produced by the famous German equipment manufacturer, Adidas. After 18 years of absence, and for the third time in its history (following 1976 to 1981 with a Belgian Cup in 1981, and from 1987 to 2003 with a Belgian Cup in 1993), the brand with the three stripes made its return, in 2021, to Sclessin.

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This year, for the 125th anniversary of Matricule 16, the club, in collaboration with Adidas, had decided on a particular design as well as the presence of a redesigned logo for the cause.

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