New right to strike for medical university students

Students of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Psychology, Dentistry or any other branch of Health Sciences may go on strike. The Government has agreed to recognize the right to academic unemployment as one of the novelties that will be incorporated in the future Organic Law of the University System (LOSU) which it plans to approve next year.

The decision has been adopted following the Ministry of Universities has summoned a meeting to the Coordinator of Student Representatives of Public Universities (Creup) and at Council of State University Students (Ceune), two of the organizations that had championed this proposal to regulate the right to stop.

Creup herself has celebrated through her official Twitter account the result of the meeting with the department headed by Joan Subirats. “The historical claim has become a reality”, have informed their followers.

The representatives of the student body had already put on the table some basic conditions to be able to take this step forward, among which was included the typification of call mechanisms of academic breaks, as well as the scope and duration of these actions.

The strike will not cause academic damage

In addition, they had also demanded that the regulations include guarantees so that evaluation tests were not conditioned by the incorporation of this new right, nor that the students suffered any type of “academic detriment for exercising their right to protest.

The new law will thus allow students to be absent from class for reasons of strike, participate in protest activities or broadcast peer programming without suffering consequences in their studies. Something that for Creup is a “fundamental right and tool that allows freedom of expression”.

The change in the regulations has been applauded on social networks by some members of United We Canas the deputy Gerardo Pisarello, who has applauded the gesture of his party partner. “First was the increase in scholarships and the reduction in fees. Now the new Universities Law will recognize for the first time the right to strike, historical vindication of the student movement”.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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