“New Research Shows Ethanol Vapour Could Treat Influenza A: Latest Science News”

2023-04-28 00:01:07


By inhaling low concentration ethanol vapour, mice infected with influenza A were able to avoid suffering severe symptoms. This was discovered by a team of Japanese researchers from the Okinawa Graduate College of Science and Technology (OIST), which officially announced its results on April 27.


The scientists observed that the progression of the infection in the mice that had inhaled 4% ethanol vapor had slowed markedly. This is explained by the fact that ethanol naturally sees its concentration rate increase up to 20% in the extracellular fluid – the liquid covering the surface of the cells – of the respiratory tract, causing the inactivation of the virus.

An experiment using human lung cells grown in the laboratory showed that 20% concentrated ethanol was not toxic.

Professor Ishikawa Hiroki, who led the research, said his group is currently preparing clinical studies to assess the efficacy and safety of a treatment in humans.

[ The Jiji Press, Ltd.]


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