New research: Moon has more water than ever – Life & Style

According to a new study, more information than ever has been revealed about the presence of water on the moon. The discovery is a ray of hope for future human missions as the availability of water on the moon could be helpful for long-term human presence and exploration of Mars.

The research is based on data obtained by India’s lunar mission Chandrayaan-1, which orbited the moon from 2008 to 2009. The study found that water molecules are present in various locations on the moon, even where water was previously thought to be absent.

Research leader Roger Clark says the information on water availability will not only help understand the moon’s geological history, but is also important for future missions.

He said that this new knowledge of the availability of water on the moon is a great hope for future missions such as NASA’s Artemis program, as future astronauts could look for the presence of water in the equatorial regions of the moon as well. Plans to send to the moon and establish a permanent presence there.

#research #Moon #water #Life #Style
2024-09-29 23:27:08



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