New Rates and Premiums for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Installations in France – Decree, Tariff Order, and Changes

2024-01-03 20:08:45

These new rates and premiums are applicable to projects for which the complete connection request took place in the tariff quarters from August 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023, known as tariff quarter no. 7, and from November 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024, known as tariff quarter No. 8.

The government published on December 22 the decree tariff setting the conditions for the purchase of electricity produced by installations located on buildings, sheds or shade houses using photovoltaic solar energy, with a peak installed power less than or equal to 500 kilowatts located in mainland France, modifying the previous tariff order “S21” of October 6, 2021. The CRE issued a favorable opinion on the tariff decree through a deliberation dated October 19, 2023 and introduced several changes to the conditions of support for the sector of photovoltaic installations on buildings with a power of less than 500 kWp:

  • modification of the indicator for monitoring the achievement of development volume objectives;
  • the overall increase in the target objectives of the decree and their new distribution between power segments;
  • catching up (or reducing) the delay (or surplus) in project development from one quarter to the next in comparison with the objectives set;
  • the homogenization of degression curves between power segments;
  • the revision of the normative level retained for the reduction in costs through technological learning (now carried by the BN coefficient) from -5% to -1% per year.
  • The tariff degression freezing system, introduced by the decree of July 28, 2022then extended by the decree of July 4, 2023ends with the establishment of tariffs for tariff quarter no. 7.

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    The tables below present, for tariff quarters 7 and 8, the levels of tariffs and premiums as established in application of the decree of December 22, 2023 in continental metropolitan France.

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    #CRE #publishes #rates #premiums #relating #photovoltaic #installations #installed #buildings #hangars #shade #houses #peak #installed #power #equal

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