2023-10-06 06:34:06
POSCA – crafted by nature! accepts the invitation to the Anuga Start-up Area
Salzburg/Cologne (OTS) – After the brilliant start in Dubai 2021 with the Gulfood Innovation Award for POSCA’s alcohol-free homage to Europe’s wine culture, Posca Romana (https://posca.world/posca-romana/), the product range will be expanded with the new product line “P.O.S.C.A. Craft Juices“ expanded and presented to the international audience for the first time at the Anuga trade fair.
In doing so, they remain true to old values and traditions: using processes like 2000 years ago, they want to celebrate an ancient festival of natural flavors and culinary delights – in keeping with the credo of doing without any other additives.
With the new product line () these are pure, naturally cloudy 100% direct juices from regional “super fruits”. They are harvested by hand and pressed with great craftsmanship so that the original taste is retained.
P.O.S.C.A. – crafted by nature! not only reinterprets old values - but also wants to consciously set new quality standards.
„God himself helps those who dare” (Ovid)
The gods support the daring. With the launch of the new product line „P.O.S.C.A. Craft Juices“ The antique-inspired label follows the invitation to the start-up area of the world’s largest and most important trade fair for the food industry. According to the current status, participants are taking part in the Anuga trade fair (www.anuga.de), which runs from the 7th to. Taking place on October 11th in Cologne, more than 7,800 exhibitors from 118 countries took part. With 38 pavilions from 31 countries, Anuga Drinks is heavily attended. In the start-up area, the focus was on vegan drinks, non-alcoholic alternatives and trendy drinks. The trendsetter is also part of the coveted group of 12 invited young companies in Hall 8 P.O.S.C.A. – crafted by nature! There is further presence in the Halal Market with increasing demand for alcohol-free alternatives.
„With our claim to using only the best ingredients and relying on traditional craftsmanship, it was only natural to expand the product range and focus on regional superfruits, whose biodiversity is underestimated today.“ said the founder Dr. Stefan Köstner.
“With Cologne’s historical importance for trade and cultural exchange since Roman times, we mightn’t wish for a better place for the product launch and are already looking forward to the qualified feedback“, continues the leader of the project, which is deeply anchored in our European culture.
Questions & Contact:
Dr. Stefan Köstner
P.O.S.C.A. GmbH
Warwitzstraße 9
5023 Salzburg
Tel: +43 677 6126 5030
email: stefan.koestner@posca.world
Instagram & social media: @poscaworld
#product #launch #POSCAs #Craft #Juices