“New National Law on Zero Alcohol at the Wheel Passed by Argentine Executive Branch”

2023-05-04 13:18:36

This Wednesday, May 3, the Executive Branch promulgated Law 27,714 on Zero Alcohol at the Wheel at the national level, which was approved and sanctioned by the Senate on April 13. In this way, the new traffic regulations govern all national routes, which establishes that drivers of motor vehicles of any size and weight have a permitted limit of zero blood alcohol when driving.

The regulations will apply to all national routes in the country’s provinces, regardless of whether they adhere to the law or not, but on provincial roads, in at least 11 provinces where there is still no similar law, local regulations will continue to apply. .

The initiative establishes that it is not possible to drive with physical or mental impediments, without the corresponding special license, having consumed narcotics or medications that reduce the ability to drive, and it is also not possible to drive vehicles with a blood alcohol level greater than zero milligrams per liter of blood.

“In what we have been managing, we have already delivered more than 900 breathalyzers to the provincial and municipal authorities and in the coming months we will deliver 1,000 more pieces of equipment to expand controls and achieve fewer victims in road accidents as a result of alcohol,” the director remarked in this regard. executive of the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV), Martínez Carignano. Also, the national body will be available to the different jurisdictions of the country with the contribution of breathalyzers to expand controls in their territories.

“The promulgation of the Zero Alcohol Law means the entry into full force of a long-awaited tool to separate alcohol from driving,” said the Minister of Transportation of the Nation, Diego Giuliano. And he added that the law seeks to: “prevent road accidents and save lives, mainly young people. Now we are going to be able to deepen the work together with each province and each municipality so that we all understand that drink driving kills”.

The respective controls will be carried out by the competent authority through the appropriate method approved for this purpose with the health agency, the law emphasizes. In this sense, the ANSV assured that they will reinforce the control operations and will work together with the federal security forces so that the new law is effectively complied with.

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Pablo Martínez Carignano, who participated in the elaboration of the law, said that “now we must redouble our efforts and continue working together with the provinces and municipalities so that we have routes and streets without alcohol among drivers.”

Alcohol is present in one of every four road accidents, so the measure is expected to immediately generate a decrease in cases of drink driving, and in the long term a change in the road habits of drivers of any type of vehicle. In addition, according to statistics from the ANSV Road Observatory during the Federal Breathalyzer operations, it is highlighted that, in the jurisdictions that already had a Zero Alcohol behind the wheel regulation, the number of drivers tested who circulated with a 0 graduation of alcohol in their blood was notably higher than in those that had a permitted limit of 0.5.

In those provinces where the law was enacted the longest, such as Río Negro, deaths fell by 15.8% and in Jujuy by more than 37%. In Buenos Aires, the last provincial jurisdiction to adopt this measure, last year the number of drivers with a positive breathalyzer on the coast routes was reduced by half, in the ANSV controls carried out in January of this year, if compared to those of last year.

The previous regulations established for any type of vehicle a tolerance of up to 500 milligrams of alcohol per liter of blood. While for motorcycle and moped drivers, the measure was up to 200 milligrams and for passenger transport of minors and cargo, zero alcohol.

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