NEW: motorcycles will be subject to a technical inspection in Wallonia

In Wallonia, category L motorcycles with a cylinder capacity greater than 125 cm³ will now have to be subject to a non-periodic technical inspection when resold to a private individual or after an accident, the regional government indicated on Thursday.

Seven control centers will be spread over the whole of Wallonia, in Cuesmes, Eupen, Fleurus, Habay-la-Neuve, Marche-en Famenne, Couvin (Mariembourg) and Wanze. This list may change as the situation evolves. The non-periodic motorcycle technical inspection will come into effect from January 1, 2023, at a unit price of 48.50 euros. “The implementation of the non-periodic technical inspection takes into account the comments of motorcyclists who regularly maintain their vehicles.

Few road accidents involving a motorcycle are caused by a technical failure. However, it is important to reduce this risk even further by ensuring that a motorcycle is in good working order after an accident.“, underlined the Walloon Minister for Road Safety, Valérie De Bue. “This technical control will also allow buyers to acquire a safe vehicle”, she added, also assuring that the government is also working on infrastructure, “another important element in terms of road safety”.

This decision is the result of the reflections of a working group led by the AWSR (Walloon Road Safety Agency), formed following the directive of the European Parliament governing the procedures for the technical inspection of vehicles with two or three wheels.

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