New messages from a wife who occupied the Egyptians.. on the walls of all the tombs

after being kidnapped her sad messages In the hearts of the Egyptians, new facts were revealed about “Marwa”, the wife who, months ago, began to visit the grave of her late husband, writing his letters. visited the tombs in which the late husband Wael is located in the Fustat area, south of Cairo, and it was found that the messages are written on the walls of all the tombs, not only the grave itself.


In the details, it was found that about 3 months ago, Marwa began visiting her husband’s grave on a daily basis at eight in the morning, writing down her messages and diaries, then reading the Qur’an, and leaving within 15 minutes, according to what eyewitnesses confirmed.

While the messages showed that a love story was common between them, which led the wife, after Wael’s departure, to feel a fatal loneliness and emptiness that led her to contemplate suicide.

“The end is musk”

It also became clear from the diaries that the wife lives on the memories of her husband who died 90 days ago, and that she has not yet believed his departure, and addresses him as if he is still alive, but rather asks his permission as she used to complete some visits to her relatives, and explains the details of her day and what she did? Then conclude with the word I love you and write her name.

It is noteworthy that one of the lady’s messages, which dates back to September 16, aroused the concern of those who frequent these cemeteries, especially as she wrote in it, “Pray for me to die, I do not want to die by suicide.”

She also wrote in another message dated September 14, “Despair has enabled me, and your return and response, I will miss you… Pray that I will not commit suicide.”

These words aroused great sympathy with the woman among the Egyptians on the communication sites, and many of the tweeters expressed their concern over her, stressing the need to help her, especially after expressing her desire to die.

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