New measures are to prevent Russian espionage

New measures are to prevent Russian espionage

– Our knowledge base indicates that the authorities need a better overview of property in Norway for various reasons. The government is therefore considering stricter measures and looking at several different ways to meet the challenge, says State Secretary Sigve Bolstad (Sp) to Nations.

An amendment to the Security Act in June last year means that the authorities can now expropriate or take other similar measures if owners of property or infrastructure may pose a risk to security. According to Bolstad, the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness is working to look at several measures that can give the authorities the control over ownership of real estate that they want.

– When it comes to whether we should introduce a law like the Finnish one, this is something that is being considered. We are in dialogue with the Finnish authorities, but we are also talking to our Swedish colleagues. They make similar assessments as we do, says Bolstad.

Recently, a change in regulations has ensured that Russian citizens who are in Norway as tourists, or for other non-essential purposes, can be deported. The exception is Russian citizens who own real estate from before the instructions were changed.

The Nation has previously written regarding the leasing of a disused submarine base to Russian research vessels and the near-sale of a company that carried out repairs for the Norwegian Armed Forces to the company TMH international, which has ties to the Russian government.

#measures #prevent #Russian #espionage
2024-07-15 11:02:42



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