Lego is testing a new Minifigure maker online, Minifigure FactoryAllows you to create your own Lego character (Across Jay Break BlogIt has nothing to do with what I swear by.)
In the tool, you can select different heads, helmets, torso, legs and accessories for your custom minifigure. For the trunk, you can go deeper into customization by applying custom stickers and text. (Lego will manage the designs to prevent users from creating inappropriate thumbnails. Jay Break Blog.) You can choose some fun accessories like laptop, pastry and pizza. Completed Minifigs cost $11.99, although you can only buy one per household.
If you have used LEGO online Create a thumbnail Available in the tool Select countries, Factory Minifigure is very similar in appearance. However, creating a minifigure does not offer the same level of trunk customization that you can get in the Minifigure Factory.
Be aware that you may not be able to use Minifigure Factory yet; Lego says the site is “limitedly available”. (I personally had access for a while while writing this post, but not now.) The company is now calling Minifigure Factory as a beta version, and in an announcement it says, “Some parts and features may not be available.” and “You may also find that the page is unavailable from time to time.”
As a kid, I made a version of “I” using parts from different kits, but it didn’t look right (although I had two lightsabers and a hoverboard, it definitely looked like the real me). With the Minifigure Factory, I can create a more accurate Lego version of myself – and decorate it with robot decals. If you want to make a complete action figure for yourself, Hasbro recently announced way to let you do that.