New Laws on ‘Foreign Agents’: Compliance, Penalties, and Inspections in Russia

2023-07-13 15:32:47

State Duma deputies in the second and third readings adopted two laws that will oblige people, organizations and public authorities that are not “foreign agents” but interact with them to comply with the restrictions provided for by the law on “foreign agents”. The press service of the State Duma announced the adoption of the laws.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation will control compliance with the law on “foreign agents”. Those who help “foreign agents” to bypass restrictions, the department will be able to issue warnings. In case of failure to comply with the order or warning, citizens will face a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles, officials – up to 100 thousand rubles, legal entities – up to 300 thousand rubles.

Also, the department will be given the right to conduct scheduled and unscheduled checks in relation to “foreign agents” and the people with whom they interact. The basis for such inspections may be the information received by the Ministry of Justice regarding the violation by any of them of the requirements of Russian legislation on “foreign agents”.

Besides, writes press service of the Duma Committee for Investigation of the Interference of Foreign States in the Internal Affairs of Russia, “foreign agents” will no longer be able to receive not only financial, but also other property support from the state.

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