New job opportunities arrive with the third edition of Expo Despegar

Asuncion, IP Agency.- With a variety of activities including a job fair, a fair for entrepreneurs, stands of partner companies, space for professional photos and entertainment, the third edition of Expo Despegar will be held on Sunday, July 28. The event will take place at the Arena of the National Sports Secretariat, located on Av. Eusebio Ayala and RI 6 Boquerón, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with free admission.

It is organized by the Universidad Comunera (Ucom), an institution that announced that on this occasion they expect to receive around a thousand people, who will have access to more than 30 stands and talks with experts in the field of employability, personal finances and entrepreneurship. In addition, the call is still open to entrepreneurs and companies that want to participate and make their proposals visible.

“This is an event that has become stronger over time in relation to what the market and society require. It was born with the aim of inspiring and giving tools to young people for their professional and personal lives. With the experiences of these two years, we have been designing new spaces for this third edition,” said coordinator Ana Guex.

At the job fair, interested candidates will have the opportunity to chat for a few minutes to introduce themselves to the company they are interested in applying to and to leave their curriculum vitae (CV). CVs can be brought in printed form or prepared in digital format for sending.

In addition, always thinking of reaching all the people of the country, Ucom has joined Pivot, a virtual job board that will be available on the day of the event and during the following week. In this way, the possibility of registering their CVs through this platform is open to those who were unable to attend the event.

“The main objective of this edition is to amplify our impact, offering a physical space with the capacity to receive a greater volume of people comfortably and with an accessible location. In this way, we allied ourselves with the SND and managed to bring the Expo to the Ueno SND Arena. These are the strategic alliances that we always seek at Ucom,” said Romina Aquino, Communications and Marketing Coordinator.

The Expo will have recreational areas so that participants can bring their children and everyone can enjoy the activities. Those who wish to join the event, as participants, with their businesses or offering a job offer, can visit:, where they will have the opportunity to learn more and sign up.

#job #opportunities #arrive #edition #Expo #Despegar
2024-07-19 15:21:29



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